- Placeholders from PlaceholderAPI did not work in the balloon and spray menu. ✔
- end-slot in menus.yml were corrected now they will take the real number, previously it took the number and changed it because of that sometimes it produced an ArrayOutOfBoundsException. ✔
please go to menus.yml and change the previous value of all menus from 39 to 43.
- conflict in the color menu. ✔
- added a new command /cosmetics hideAll will hide all your equipped cosmetics.
- color has been added to the ItemsAdder custom entities.
- A more efficient form of first-person backpacking was implemented.
- Added an option to sort the cosmetics menu.
- Added an option for you to set the idle and walk animation of balloons using Meg or IA.
The api has been modified, more information here.
- Improved ItemsAdder custom entities.
- The API has been redesigned to give you access to more features!
New paths were added to the wiki.
- Unnecessary log spam has been fixed. ✔
- Fixed a problem with hat and cane type cosmetics, when clicking on the items in other custom inventories, they disappear. ✔
- Colors fixed in 1.19. ✔
- Unnecessary logs removed. ✔
See the new additions to the cosmetics.yml file
- Added an option to the balloons to hide their string.
- ItemsAdder Custom Entities have been added.
- Support at 1.19 added.
- When you run the command /cosmetics unequip <player> <cosmeticId> in console it did nothing. ✔
Here's what's new about tokens.
- The option to allow if you want your cosmetic to be exchanged for a token again.
PlaceholderAPI a new placeholder is added to obtain the id of the type of cosmetic they are using.
- In 1.16.x when tapping inside the wardrobe, the cosmetics menu does not open. ✔
Check out the new paths.
- an option to enable or disable whether items are displayed when entering zones.
- ItemsAdder fonts can now be used in the lore and display name of cosmetic items.
- Option to modify the negative space of the panels that establish whether you have the cosmetic, have it equipped or simply do not have it from row 1 to row 6 of the inventory.
- At the moment of starting the server it disabled the plugin. ✔
- when you used the cosmetics with permissions, they were buggy and would not let you use some commands. ✔
- Model Engine models did not stare at where the player was looking. ✔
- In the zones, the location of the balloons was reset every time the server was restarted. ✔
new paths in files
- new option for cosmetics that allows you to hide them in the menu.
- cooldown for sprays has been added.