If you're a server owner or looking for a quality Armor & Tools for any reason this resource is for you! You can even monetize it for players, lets earn with selling as custom Armor & Tools!
Magma Tools & Armor

The resource includes:
♦ Custom Magma designed Armors (Animated)
♦ Magma Sword, Pickaxe, Axe, Shovel, Hoe
♦ Magma Bow, Crossbow, Fishing Rod
♦ Magma Shield
♦ Custom Magma Crafting Items
- Magma Ball
- Magma Stick
♦ Magma Set Icon Item
Configurations include:
♦ ItemsAdder configuration
♦ Oraxen configuration
♦ Nexo configuration (coming soon..)
More images:

For the configuration to work well, Oraxen or ItemsAdder are required.