This menu uses baisc commands and has been setup so you can start using it almost Immediately. However for some buttons to work, you do need to have the correct plugins installed that have those commands. Otherwise you need to do minor changes to make it fit with your plugin commands!
What commands the buttons are running.
Teleporter = /rtp (Random Teleport)
Home = /home bed (Teleports you to your bed location)
Warps = /warp (Opens the custom Menu)
Rewards = /rewards (You need a rewards plugin for this feature)
Vote = /vote (Opens the custom Menu)
Shop = /shop (Opens the Item Shop
Donations = /buy (You need your donation store plugin)
Rules = N/a (Shows on the hover menu)
To use this, you need the following PlaceholderAPI Extensions:
- Statistic
- Server
- Player
- Vault
This configuration has been made on Minecraft 1.18.1, other versions have not been tested.