With this website you getting PSD Files so you can custom add/edit all pictures.
Website have api script in header.php so this is reson why all files .php but website is HTML.
API for Minecraft pulled from gametracker.rs , and discord pulled from discord
For more info add me on discord rade023#6487
All information you can find in readme.txt document!
Thanks for purchase
More preview:
(because of the screenshot, the background was cut out)
PSD Files:
Website have api script in header.php so this is reson why all files .php but website is HTML.
API for Minecraft pulled from gametracker.rs , and discord pulled from discord
For more info add me on discord rade023#6487
All information you can find in readme.txt document!
Thanks for purchase

More preview:
(because of the screenshot, the background was cut out)
PSD Files: