There is three types of cards in M&H.
Minions, these spawn each wave at the start of each round.
Supply, these cards typically are resource related.
Spells, these cards typically effect your enemies board.
All cards cost Mana to play, they all have a rarity associated with the card and they are also in a set.
Players will make their decks using a comprehensive deck editor with filter features and an easy menu to view all cards in the game.
For admins you can either use card packs to distribute cards which use the card rarity system to determine how often they show up or you can simply get them using admin commands and sell individual cards or give them away using different methods. Once players have the cards they just need to middle click the card in their inventory to send it to their collection!
This is what the custom editor for your deck looks like!

There is currently 158 cards total in the game! More sets will be released in the future!

1. The game starts, players draw 5 cards. Each player starts at 2 mana.
2. After some time the round starts.
3. When a round starts you draw a card and your mana increases by one and refresh to full.
4. At anytime you can play any card for mana.
5. This cycle repeats until only one player is left.
6. Players can die to minion, the cold, or hunger.
Your enemies health and hunger is always visible as a boss bar!

Game Display
While in game you will have this above your hot bar at all times.

These icons represent different things.
☄ - This icon represents your players heat. Once it gets low players will take damage or worse start losing hunger. to warm up stay in well lit areas in your BUILDING area.
☢ - This is the round your currently on. You start on round 0.

☼ - This is your mana! Spend it wisely, however it comes back at the start of a new round!

/mh - This command is used by all users to access everything! It's the only command they need to really know!
/mh quit - Used to surrender any game.
/mh returndeck - A backup way to get your deck from the collection but is rarely needed.
/mh lastgame - View stats about your last game!
/mh help - View all the commands available.
Commands for Admins!
/mh maps - This command is used by admins to create their own custom M&H maps. Yes you can make your own maps! However you can find some maps for download here as well that I have made!
/mh givecard cardName [True/False] (target) - You can get any card using this command, however cards with spaces in their names require a "-" to be used instead, this will be changed shortly. You must also put true or false, this means if the card is golden or not.
Example: /mh givecard Skeleton-Army true xxxtrigger50xxx <- This gives a golden skeleton army to myself!
/mh givepack (target) - Used to get a card pack
/mh givedeck (target) - Used to get a blank deck
/mh giverdeck (target) - Used to get a random deck.
/mh end - Used to end whatever game your in.
/mh resolve card-name - Used to
a card by name./mh reload - Reloads the configuration.
/mh validate - Shows a list of invalid maps.
/mh game resources - Shows a list of resources in whatever game your in.
/mh game skiptimer - Skips the rounds timer.
/mh show border - Shows the border of the map, the resource spawn area and animal spawn area.
/mh show nodes - Shows the area where nodes could spawn in the map.

Here is the current configuration options.
Banned Cards - This is a list of cards that players can play in casual games but not ranked games.
Banished Cards - This is a list of cards that players can collect but not play in casual or ranked.
Banned Cards In Packs - Prevent banned cards from showing up in card packs.
Banished Cards In Packs - Prevent banished cards from showing up in packs.
Allow Golden Cards In Packs - All cards have golden counter parts which have cool special effects. Great for monetizing your server!
Ranked Maps - A list of maps you are allowing to be played on in the ranked ques.
Starting Mana - Control how much mana players start with.
Round Timer - Set how long each round is.
Starting Hand Size - Set how many cards players start the game with.
Starting Coal Nodes - Set how many coal nodes players start the game with.
Starting Iron Nodes - Set how many iron nodes players start the game with.

+ No longer limited to 50 base cards!
+ Currently 100+ unique premium only cards!
+ No limit on lobbies / maps!
+ Access to golden cards!
+ Advanced config options like starting hand size, starting mana size, starting nodes and more!
+ Team games, have epic battles with no limit to team sizes!

You can also contact me on discord using xxxtrigger50xxx #3912.
I am also a free lancing developer if your interested in my work!
Source code may be provided to Spigot Moderators at anytime to ensure quality assurance.
If you have a server that is running this plugin please message me as I personally will try every server who is running this plugin! I am very excited to see what players do with your maps and the decks they are going to make!

- You may not sell this plugin.
- Support is not promised in the future, however this project is a passion of mine so its likely I will update this for years to come.
- I reserve the right to not support this plugin at anytime as I do have a personal life so updates may not be frequent while at other times they might be daily.
- I may update the Terms of Use at any time.
- If you are experiencing a bug please contact me first before leaving unsatisfied. Im very personal so pm me on discord or on here and I will reply to. If your a customer I value your input and the bugs your finding!