TheOnly-Mobcoins is a virtual custom currency plugin to make your server more unique along with an integrated shop system. This plugin is very suitable for any type of game mode. Let your players experienced exciting features!

Being updated with many more amazing features
We will keep trying to updates our plugin to the last available Minecraft versions and will keep bringing many more exciting features to the plugin, and also we really hear your suggestions, we mean that!
Highly customizable configuration and not... boringWe will keep trying to updates our plugin to the last available Minecraft versions and will keep bringing many more exciting features to the plugin, and also we really hear your suggestions, we mean that!
TheOnly-Mobcoins is not like most ordinary mobcoins plugin, because in this plugin you can use decimals or double numbers, that means you can receive mobcoins as low as 0.0001, how cool is that? You can make players grind as hard as they can. Also, you can customize many aspects of this plugin, check out the configuration on our wiki page.
Integrated shop system
You don't need to worry about creating shops for mobcoins, we will provide the system! There are currently 2 types of shop, which is Category Shop and Rotating Shop, in a rotating shop, the items will be changed every x amount of hours or days and you can customize that on the configuration.
You don't need to worry about creating shops for mobcoins, we will provide the system! There are currently 2 types of shop, which is Category Shop and Rotating Shop, in a rotating shop, the items will be changed every x amount of hours or days and you can customize that on the configuration.

First of all, this plugin is depend on PlaceholderAPI, but why? PlaceholderAPI gives us an easier method to handle placeholders and PlaceholderAPI is very common in servers nowadays so it shouldn't be a big a problem. (might be only temporarily)
- Install PlaceholderAPI plugin on your server
- Install this plugin on your server
- Restart the server
- Done!
Make sure to join our discord server to get support, we will respond as soon as we can, don't hesitate to join!
Open Source
I'm planning to make this resource open source after 20 buyers, the reason why I want to make this resource open source is simply that I'm tired of fighting against leak and with open sourcing this plugin that means I do not have to think about it anymore and also it will contribute more to the community.
"But why are we buying this plugin if it's become open source?"
By buying this plugin means you support the developer, and also only verified/buyers of this plugin can get support on the discord servers
(This plugin uses bStats to keep track of how many servers/players are using this plugin, there is no sensitive information that will be collected!)
(This plugin uses bStats to keep track of how many servers/players are using this plugin, there is no sensitive information that will be collected!)