This resource has 7 Skilltrees to choose from, but Mage, Tank and Marksman, require you to start with "Fighter".
This resource has 7 Skilltrees to choose from, but Mage, Tank and Marksman, require you to start with "Fighter".
- Utility: Specializes in mining with item pickup and inventory skills. (150 lvls)
- Mount: A pet that you can ride, specialized in speed and jump height (200 lvls)
- Defender: Specilaized in defence, he will absorb part of all kinds of damage dealt towards you (200 lvls)
- Fighter: Starter rank for all other fighter categories. Increases pet attack damage. (50 lvls)
- Mage: Specializes in spell attack attacks like fireballs and lightning. No melee abilities. (100 lvls)
- Tank: Has lots of HP, redirects damage, and has rank attacks. (100 lvls)
- Marksman: Specializes in ranged attacks with arrow and poison damage, no melee abilities. (100 lvls)