- MythicChanger is a spigot plugin that auto match item and modify it without trouble!
- It has many uses, including:
- Item skin.
- Automatically add Tooltips.
- Automatically add rarity icons to items.
- Automatically remove illegal enchantments.
- Automatically replace vanilla items to MMOItems items.
- Enchant scroll/Attribute scroll
- There are still many, many more
- This plugin won't work on creative mode.
- Built-in 45 item change rule, including display name, lore, custom model data, enchantments and replace the whole item, and even randomly replace item, etc...
- Built-in 21 match rule, including display name, lore, 10+ hook plugins like ItemsAdder, MMOItems, EcoItems, saved items, vanilla items, NBT match, material tag, material type and so on!
- You create create new custom change or match rule which by using our API.
- Built-in Item Format which allow you make any item you desire, including custom food, custom tool, custom attribute, custom armor, and so on.
- Including fake change and real change. Fake change is display virtually, and it only change in client side. Real change is change both in client and server side.
- For example, if you are using remove_enchants change rule, if you set this rule in fake changes, item just display it don't have this enchantment, but actually it has and the enchantment will also take effect.
- If you set it in real change, then the enchantment will actually gone. No one will find it anymore.
- Support Hex Color and Gradient Color in anywhere.
- Support use Powerful Item Placeholder in change rule's config and item lore. You can easily display anything in item lore, or set new value based on item in configs! By this feature, we also allow you use PlaceholderAPI placeholder in item lore.
- 3Different change types!
- Auto Match & Change: Plugin will auto match the item you set and auto change them.
- Drag Change: Drag Apply Item onto the item you want to change, then all is done!
- GUI Change: Open a GUI and drag both Apply Item and the item you want to change in it, then click the confirm button, that's all!
- Built-in Poweful Actions and Conditions system, allows you set conditons to active the change and the actions will execute after change the item. (Premium)
- Each item can use unlimited apply item type. You can easily make MythicChanger be a gem plugin by use our Drag Change or GUI Change feature.
- Built-in simply item manager feature, you can easily save your hold item and use command to give saved item to players! Also provide a command to help you view the NBT data of the hold item. (Premium)
- Auto hook into InteractiveChat, TrChat, QuickShop-Hikari to help you display fake change item in chat! (Premium)
- Standard Localized Item Name Translate.
- Due to the fact that the Minecraft server does not store client language files, the plugin cannot know the name of the item you hold displayed on your client. Therefore, in most scenarios where the item name is displayed, we directly display its English name. Now this new feature will automatically download the client language file and translate your item name when you use change rule and item placeholder.
- No refunds.
- Report bugs in our Discord.