MythicMobs Boss Egg v1.1

Adds location specific eggs to MythicMobs.
This plugin requires MythicMobs in order to work!


Location specific eggs
World specific eggs
Error message localizations

Error messages:

  invalid_egg: '§c§lHey! §7Sorry, but this egg is no longer usable. Please report it to an administrator.'
  forbidden_location: '§c§lHey! §7Sorry, but you can not summon that here.'
The messages are meant to be the same as WorldGuard error messages for consistency. You can customize them for your style.

The eggs can be renamed later, it doesn't requires consistency with the config. This way if you modify the config the old eggs will still work with the new settings. Eggs are saved with the egg id wich means if you change example_egg after giving it and try to use the egg it will display an error message.

    egg_type: 'SKELETON_SPAWN_EGG'
    name: '§3Example egg'
    mob: 'MythicMobs:SkeletonKing'
      world: 'example_world'
      x: 0
      y: 64
      z: 0
      max_distance: 0
      - '§7You can only use this'
      - '§7egg in the §3dungeon§7!'
There are a few things you have to be careful with:
  • Egg type must be a valid Egg material name
  • You have to use the prefix 'MythicMobs:' before your MythicMobs mob ID
  • You can set the egg to work in the entire world if you want, you have to set the distance to -1 for that.
You can also modify the egg after getting it via /mmbe get example_egg because it isn't requires the name to match with config.
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