NameMC Rewards v1.0.1

Give rewards to your users with NameMC, easy to use and install.
NameMC Rewards is a simple, lightweight and easy to use and configure system for your server designed to be able to give a reward to your players for liking your server at:

Warning: If you use a login system, make sure to check that your system validates Minecraft premium accounts with their authentic UUID. Otherwise the system will not work properly.

Explaining the system: Players will receive a friendly message when they enter the server, which will indicate that they have the possibility of receiving a reward. In this message, they are told that they can use the /namemc command to see the step-by-step instructions to receive their reward. After following these steps, the player can use /namemc redeem to claim the reward.

By working with a MySQL database system, we make sure that each player is stored so that they cannot abuse the system and receive more than one reward. We also have the possibility of using Redis to synchronize a message that is sent every time a player claims their rewards.

NameMC Rewards' messaging system is powered by MiniMessage, this system will help you give a unique touch to your setup and make it more aesthetic.

  • /namemc
  • /namemc redeem - namemc.use
  • /namemc check- namemc.admin
  • /namemc reload- namemc.admin
Captura de pantalla 2025-01-23 000233.png

Captura de pantalla 2025-01-23 002907.png

Captura de pantalla 2025-01-23 000303.png

# Should we use Redis to send the claim-announcement message to all synchronized servers?
  # If set to false, we will not be connecting the plugin to redis, if you want to add a message add it to the reward commands
  redis: false
# The server name and group are used to identify the server in the database.
  name: server_name
# The server group is used to identify the server group in the database.
  group: server_group

# The cooldown to use the /namemc redeem
# commnand again. The time is in seconds.
enabled: true
time: 10
# Send a message to the player on join reminding them how to like in namemc
send-notify: true
# Set your server IP here
server-ip: ''
- 'minecraft:msg %player% You have received a reward!'
only-for-players: '<red>Error: This action is for players only.'
player-not-found: '<red>Error: Player not found.'
no-permission: '<red>Error: You are not an administrator.'
command-usage: '<red>Use %command%'
config-reloaded: '<#53B7FB>[NameMC] <gray>The configuration has been reloaded.'
cooldown: '<red>You must wait <yellow>%time% <red>seconds before using this command again.'
link: ''
link-hover: '<green>Click to open the NameMC page.'
rewards-claimed: '<#53B7FB>Thanks for liking the server on NameMC! Your rewards have been delivered...'
like-reminder: '<#53B7FB>You have not liked the server on NameMC.'
already-redeemed: '<#53B7FB>You have already redeemed your rewards.'
claim-announcement: '<gray>[<#BF2E30>Alert<gray>] » <white>%player% <gray>has just
  received rewards by liking the server on <aqua>NameMC<gray> (<white>/namemc<gray>)'
  - ''
  - '<#53B7FB><b>Free In-Game Rewards</b>'
  - '<white>Claim a free reward by liking us on <#53B7FB>NameMC<white>.'
  - '<white>Type <#53B7FB><u>/namemc</u><white> to like us on <#53B7FB>NameMC<white>.'
  - ''
  - ''
  - '<#53B7FB><b>NameMC Rewards</b>'
  - ' <gray>1. <white>Create a account on NameMC if you don´t already have one.'
  - ' <gray>2. <white>Goto this link: <#53B7FB><u><link></u>'
  - ' <gray>3. <white>Click the <#FB7B74>Heart <white>icon to like the server.'
  - ' <gray>4. <white>Type <#53B7FB>/namemc redeem <white>to redeem your rewards.'
  - ''
  port: 3306
  max-life-time: 1800000
  pool-size: 5
  database: database
  username: root
  password: ''
  port: 6379
  database: 1
  password: ''
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0 Purchases
Jan 24, 2025 Published
Jan 26, 2025 Updated
Not yet rated
1.6 MB File size
  1. English
  2. Spanish
Includes DRM
Source access
Closed source without obfuscation
  1. Gameplay
  2. Staff
Game mode
  1. Survival
  2. Factions
  3. Hub
Supported software
  1. Bukkit
  2. Spigot
  3. Paper
Supported versions
  1. 1.20
  2. 1.21
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Jan 24, 2025 Published
Jan 26, 2025 Updated
Not yet rated
1.6 MB File size
  1. English
  2. Spanish
Includes DRM
Source access
Closed source without obfuscation
  1. Gameplay
  2. Staff
Game mode
  1. Survival
  2. Factions
  3. Hub
Supported software
  1. Bukkit
  2. Spigot
  3. Paper
Supported versions
  1. 1.20
  2. 1.21
Struggling to cover the costs of your server? Set up your own webstore with Tebex in under 30 seconds.
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Protect your server from crash/dupe/packets exploits with the ultimate Spigot security fix plugin.
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