region_name: afkzone
# Required time for reward in minutes
reward_time: 20
# A list of rewards that player has a chance of getting, a reward will be selected randomly and given to the player
# Chances don't have to add up to 100, the plugin will calculate the chance based on the total chance
# You can change the name of the reward to anything you want, just make sure it's unique
# You can add as many commands as you want to the reward
- "eco give %player% 25"
chance: 60
- "eco give %player% 50"
chance: 25
- "eco give %player% 100"
- "coins give %player% 50"
chance: 15
# Sound the player will hear when entering/leaving the zone. (Set to "" to disable)
# Message the player will receive when entering/leaving the zone. (Set to "" to disable)
enter_message: "&6[&e&lAFK&6] &7You've entered the AFK zone."
leave_message: "&6[&e&lAFK&6] &7You've left the AFK zone."
# Message the player when receiving a reward. (Set to "" to disable)
reward_message: "&6[&e&lAFK&6] &7You've received &f%reward% &7for being AFK."
# ActionBar message the player will have while in AFKZone. (Set to "" to disable)
action_bar_progress: "#A6FB9EYou will receive next reward in %time%."
# Title and subtitle player will see when entering/leaving the zone. (Set to "" to disable)
enter_title: "&e&lAFK"
enter_subtitle: "&7You've entered the AFK zone."
leave_title: "&e&lAFK"
leave_subtitle: "&7You've left the AFK zone."
# Title stay time in seconds
title_stay_time: 2
# No permission and reload messages. (Set to "" to disable)
no_perm_message: "&6[&e&lAFK&6] &cYou don't have permission to use this command."
reload_message: "&6[&e&lAFK&6] &aPlugin has been successfully reloaded."