Dynamize your server & increase player retention !
O'DailyQuests is a daily quest plugin. Every day, players have some random quests in a list to complete.
There are two modes of quests: global quests and quests categorised by difficulty (easy, medium, hard). If the second mode is chosen, quests from each category will be drawn randomly. Otherwise, all quests will come from the global quests.
You can chose the number of daily quests, and for each category if needed.
There are also two time modes: fixed (the draw time is the same for all players, at midnight) and specific (each player has his own draw time, depending on his last login).
There are currently 24 types of quests:
- BREAK (breaking blocks);
- FISH (fishing an item (anything that can be fished works).
- KILL (kill entities (monsters, animals or players));
- ENCHANT (enchanting items on an enchantment table);
- COOK (cooking items in an oven (everything that cooks works, progress is incremented when the player removes from the oven));
- GET (get a specific number of an item (completed by clicking in a menu));
- CONSUME (consume potions, food, milk bucket);
- LAUNCH (throw a projectile (bead, egg, arrow));
- PICKUP (pick up from the ground);
- CRAFT (assemble items on a workbench);
- PLACE (placing blocks);
- BREED (breed animals);
- TAME (tame wild animals);
- SHEAR (shear an entity);
- MILKING (fill a buck of milk);
- VILLAGER_TRADE (trade with a villager);
- EXP_POINTS (get a given amount of exp points);
- EXP_LEVELS (get a given amount of exp levels);
- LOCATION (travel to specific coordinates);
- FARMING (count only fully grown crops);
- CARVE (turn a pumpkin into carved pumpkin);
- PLAYER_DEATH (player must... die);
- PLACEHOLDER (use the value of a placeholder for a player to make the quest progress);
- Compatible with PlaceholderAPI
- CUSTOM_MOBS(kill bosses);
- Compatible with EliteMobs, MythicMobs
- COMMAND (the server executes a command as a reward);
- POINTS(gives points to the player);
- Compatible with TokenManager, PlayerPoints
- MONEY (gives money to the player);
- Needs Vault
- EXP_LEVELS (gives the player experience levels);
- EXP_POINTS (gives the player experience points);
To see how to create quests, please look at the Wiki.
Need more quest types/rewards ?
Please make a ticket on this Discord server.
Need more quest types/rewards ?
Please make a ticket on this Discord server.
- YAML, H2 & MySQL support
- Highly customisable
- 24 types of quests
- 5 types of rewards
- Choose between daily, weekly or monthly quests
- Custom amount of quests
- Multiple requirements
- Disabled worlds for all quests
- Required worlds for each quest
- Choose the amount of quests
- 2 quests mode (global & categorized)
- 2 time mode (global & specific)
- Synchronized quests
- Fully customizable player interface
- HEX colours support
- Global reward (when a player complets all his quests)
- Interfaces (list of quests & player quests)
- Head textures support in player interface
- Citizens integration (for interfaces)
- Take items for quests type GET
- Quests automatically renewed at midnight
- Support complex recipes for quests type CRAFT
- Placeholders
- Holograms
- Message in action bar or title when the quest is completed
- Message in action bar, chat or boss bar when the quest progresses
- Anti-glitch, to store used items
- Disable spawners progression
- ItemsAdder & Oraxen support
- Custom model data support
- Custom heads support
- Custom GUIs support
- WildStacker support
- And more!
- Player commands (permission odailyquests.use) :
- /dailyquests me
- /dailyquests show <global/easy/medium/hard>
- Admin commands (permission odailyquests.admin) :
- /dailyquestsadmin reset <quests/total> <player>
- /dailyquestsadmin show <player>
- /dailyquestsadmin complete <player> <questId>
- /dailyquestsadmin holo create/remove <category> <index>
- /dailyquestsadmin open <player>
- /dailyquestsadmin reload
This plugin is normally compatible with Spigot/PaperSpigot
from 1.16 to the latest version of Minecraft.
This plugin needs Vault to work.
To use NPCs, the plugin needs Citizens.
To use placeholders, the plugin needs PlaceholderAPI.
Please ensure that all these plugins are at their latest version.
If you have any problems, please contact the developer.
A configuration problem ?
Please read the Wiki carefully.
An error, a suggestion, or something else ?
Please join this Discord server and create a ticket.
Please read the Wiki carefully.
An error, a suggestion, or something else ?
Please join this Discord server and create a ticket.