OPProtector v1.0.5

Protect Operator Accounts And Prevent Unauthorized Access

you can use OPProtector_Legacy for old servers (Below 1.13)
but support will no longer provided.

▐ Features
  1. Personal Admin Password for Operator Accounts
  2. Regularly Scanning for Accounts That Have Op or Admin Permissions
  3. Scan Every Offline Account for Op and Admin Permissions and Identify Players That Have Unauthorized Access
  4. Checks If BungeeGuard has been properly Configured
  5. Detecting IP Changes of Operator Accounts
  6. Password Encryption
  7. Disable Commands for Specific Operator
  8. Detect and Ban Offline Accounts That Have Blacklisted Permissions
  9. Discord Webhook Alerts
  10. Logging Operator Activity Separately
  11. GUIs for Entering the Password Quickly
  12. Utilizing Asynchronous Multithreading and Running the Plugin on Separate Threads
  13. 100% Free and Open Source
  14. Discord Help and Support
  15. Added Luckperms Intergration.

▐ Commands And Permissions
  • /opp help - display help menu
  • /opp reload - reload the plugin
  • /opp scan - scan blacklisted permissions or op in all offline player accounts
  • opp.admin - access to all admin permissions
Group (48).png
▐ ShowCase
Password verification

Screenshot 2023-09-28 141442.png

Offline Player Scan
Screenshot 2023-09-28 141738.png

Discord Alerts
Screenshot 2023-09-28 102406.png

▐ Attacks That Could be Prevented using this plugin

▐ Main Config
# ██████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗         OPProtector 2023 (Operator Security System)
# ██╔═══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗       Version: 1.0.0
# ██║   ██║██████╔╝██████╔╝       Contributors: Kasun Hapangama(ka0un)
# ██║   ██║██╔═══╝ ██╔═══╝        GitHub:https://github.com/ka0un/OPProtector
# ╚██████╔╝██║     ██║            Discord:https://dsc.gg/sundevs
# ╚═════╝ ╚═╝     ╚═╝             Website: https://ka0un.github.io/OPProtector/

# Password Settings

  required-every-login: true
session-hours: 1
use-gui: true
interval-secounds: 20
pas-command: "pas"
  encrypt-passwords: true

# Lockdown Settings

  block-player-move: true
block-break-blocks: true
block-place-blocks: true
block-player-commands: true
block-item-drop: true
block-item-pickup: true
block-damage: true
allow-flight: false
    - "/pas"
    - "/auth"
    - "/register"
    - "/login"
    - "/changepassword"
    - "/changepass"

# Scanner Settings

  scan-on-join: true
scan-on-player-op-command: true
scan-on-console-op-command: true
scan-from-live-scanner: true
live-scanner-interval-secounds: 5
scan-for-blacklisted-permissions: true
scan-for-gamemode-creative: true
    - "essentials.*"
    - "*"
    - "bukkit.*"
    - "minecraft.*"
    - "worldedit.*"
    - "worldguard.*"
    - "luckperms.*"
    - "lp.*"
    - "luckperms.*"
    - "luckperms.trusteditor"
    - "luckperms.editor"
    - "luckperms.user.permission.set"
    - "lands.admin.*"
    - "lands.bypass.*"
    - "excellentcrates.*"
    - "citizens.admin"
    - "minecraft.admin"
    - "plhide.bypass"

# Commands Settings

    - 'deop %player%'

    - 'deop %player%'
    - 'lp user %player% permission clear *'



# Discord Notifier Settings
  discord-webhook: ""
  notify-op-join: true
notify-op-leave: true
notify-auth-success : true
notify-auth-failed: true
notify-unauth-access: true

Group (36) (1).jpg

We kindly request that you refrain from reporting bugs in the review section. Instead, we encourage you to join our Discord community, where you can file a bug report in the dedicated ticket section. Please feel free to direct message me, @kaxun, with any bug-related concerns. Reporting bugs on Github Issues is also highly appreciated and recommended. We sincerely appreciate your cooperation and support. Thank you!


Latest reviews

Extremly valuable Resource and this for a self-chosen price! Can't wait to see what you will bring to the table with the OPP+ version of this plugin, I instantly gave it a star on Github and I am hyped to see what else you will add to this already extremly feature-rich base version! :)

Thanks for your work!
Thanks for the review. ❤️
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EULA: Standard EULA
This resource is free, but consider supporting the creator if you believe it's worth paying for. This option will remain here even if you've paid before.
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Sep 28, 2023 Published
Dec 31, 2024 Updated
5.00 star(s)
Average rating (1)
2 MB File size
  1. English
Includes DRM
Source access
Open source
  1. Protection
  2. Staff
Supported software
  1. Bukkit
  2. Spigot
  3. Paper
Supported versions
  1. 1.13
  2. 1.14
  3. 1.15
  4. 1.16
  5. 1.17
  6. 1.18
  7. 1.19
  8. 1.20
  9. 1.21
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5.00 star(s)
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  1. English
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Source access
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  1. Protection
  2. Staff
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  5. 1.17
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  7. 1.19
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