Just a Little Script I made for you guys! This runs on your Minecraft Hosts API system which is secure. In the tutorial, there should be an easy method to just show the names or pictures onto your website. There are different list methods for the script. You could have it list the players with or without commas or have a neat little picture of all of them like here below! ^-^
Whats Included:
/PlayerList.zip (3.3 KB)
- configuration.php
- multicraftAPI.php
- playerlist.php
- readme.php
Code Type:
PHP [5.4-7.0]
Easy to change config
Uses multicraft API
Tutorial Included!
Whats Included:
/PlayerList.zip (3.3 KB)
- configuration.php
- multicraftAPI.php
- playerlist.php
- readme.php
Code Type:
PHP [5.4-7.0]
Easy to change config
Uses multicraft API
Tutorial Included!