PictureAds - Unique Advertisement System v1.0.4

Broadcast image advertisements using offhand image maps!
  • Large Logo.png
  • Large Logo.png
  • Logo.png
  • 45b8d776b321a07b152556d5c4c613f09d242acd.png
  • Large Logo.png
  • Large Logo.png
  • Logo.png
  • 45b8d776b321a07b152556d5c4c613f09d242acd.png
Only versions 1.9+ are supported with PictureAds! (offhand is needed)

A Spigot plugin that brings image advertisements to Minecraft using maps in a player's offhand.​

If you don’t want to purchase PictureAds (and not support me) then you can compile it yourself with the provided source code. Keep in mind, I will provide no support to you if you have not purchased the plugin.

  • Broadcast image advertisements to players.
  • Uses players’ offhands to display a map with a 128x128 image of your choice.
  • Commands:
    • /picads reload - Reloads the PictureAds configuration.
    • /picads broadcast <image file or URL> - Broadcasts the advertisement to all online players.
    • /advertise <image file or URL> - Same as /picads broadcast


# PictureAds v${version} by byteful#0001

# File images will only work if they are located directly in the plugin data folder. Make sure the string you type is exactly what the file name is!

# Should PictureAds allow external URLs?
urls: true

# Should PictureAds ignore players holding items in their offhand? (PictureAds uses the offhand to display a map with the advertisement image on it.) (Items will still be replaced back, but issues may arise if a player is in a PvP fight and loses their shield...)
ignore_holding: false

# The delay in ticks for the advertisement map to be removed from the player's offhand.
# 20 ticks = 1 second
delay: 100

# Should PictureAds send the message to players that lets them know that the displayed map image is an advertisement?
message: true

# Timezones supported by Java.
#  EST - -05:00
#  HST - -10:00
#  MST - -07:00
#  ACT - Australia/Darwin
#  AET - Australia/Sydney
#  AGT - America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires
#  ART - Africa/Cairo
#  AST - America/Anchorage
#  BET - America/Sao_Paulo
#  BST - Asia/Dhaka
#  CAT - Africa/Harare
#  CNT - America/St_Johns
#  CST - America/Chicago
#  CTT - Asia/Shanghai
#  EAT - Africa/Addis_Ababa
#  ECT - Europe/Paris
#  IET - America/Indiana/Indianapolis
#  IST - Asia/Kolkata
#  JST - Asia/Tokyo
#  MIT - Pacific/Apia
#  NET - Asia/Yerevan
#  NST - Pacific/Auckland
#  PLT - Asia/Karachi
#  PNT - America/Phoenix
#  PRT - America/Puerto_Rico
#  PST - America/Los_Angeles
#  SST - Pacific/Guadalcanal
#  VST - Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh
# Only have to be set if you are planning on using schedules.
timezone: "CST"

# Configuration for scheduled advertisements. Uses configured timezone. Server has to be online during this time for the advertisement to go out.
# **FORMAT**: "month/day/year hour:minute:second AM/PM" "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM" (Must follow this format CLOSELY or PictureAds may not know what you have set!)
# Ex: "12/31/2022 10:00:00 AM": "image.png" - Gets the picture from the plugin's data folder with the provided name.
# Ex: "01/01/2023 10:00:00 AM": "https://byteful.me/test.png" - Gets the picture from the provided URL to display. Must have 'urls' set to true for this to work.
# Ex: "01/01/2023 09:05:01 PM"
# Ex: "01/05/2023 09:05:10 PM"
# You do not have to add schedule times if you do not want to. But leave 'schedule:' here to prevent any errors within the plugin.
#  "12/31/2022 10:00:00 AM": "image.png" # This will broadcast 'image.png' to all players online on the last day of 2022 at 10:00:00 AM.
Need Help?

Join the Discord @ https://discord.gg/G8BDgqsuyw

Developer API: https://github.com/byteful/PictureAds/wiki/Developer-API

Wiki: https://github.com/byteful/PictureAds/wiki

Please don’t forget to leave a review. If you are going to leave a review, please provide me some information on how to improve the plugin. Thanks!
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2 Purchases
Sep 30, 2022 Published
Oct 18, 2022 Updated
Not yet rated
282 KB File size
  1. Staff
Supported software
  1. Bukkit
  2. Spigot
  3. Paper
Supported versions
  1. 1.9
  2. 1.10
  3. 1.11
  4. 1.12
  5. 1.13
  6. 1.14
  7. 1.15
  8. 1.16
  9. 1.17
  10. 1.18
  11. 1.19
  12. 1.20
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2 Purchases
Sep 30, 2022 Published
Oct 18, 2022 Updated
Not yet rated
282 KB File size
  1. Staff
Supported software
  1. Bukkit
  2. Spigot
  3. Paper
Supported versions
  1. 1.9
  2. 1.10
  3. 1.11
  4. 1.12
  5. 1.13
  6. 1.14
  7. 1.15
  8. 1.16
  9. 1.17
  10. 1.18
  11. 1.19
  12. 1.20
Struggling to cover the costs of your server? Set up your own webstore with Tebex in under 30 seconds.
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A plugin that brings a limited-access, rotating shop to Minecraft.
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#1 BuiltByBit Plugin ~ Protects your server from crash packet exploits ~ Folia Support
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The ultimate chat formatting and filtering plugin. Can replace 200+ plugins. Customizable & fast.
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High Performance | Customizable | Cross-Version | GeyserMC | Folia Support
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