Only versions 1.9+ are supported with PictureAds! (offhand is needed)

A Spigot plugin that brings image advertisements to Minecraft using maps in a player's offhand.
If you don’t want to purchase PictureAds (and not support me) then you can compile it yourself with the provided source code. Keep in mind, I will provide no support to you if you have not purchased the plugin.
- Broadcast image advertisements to players.
- Uses players’ offhands to display a map with a 128x128 image of your choice.
- Commands:
- /picads reload - Reloads the PictureAds configuration.
- /picads broadcast <image file or URL> - Broadcasts the advertisement to all online players.
- /advertise <image file or URL> - Same as /picads broadcast
# PictureAds v${version} by byteful#0001
# File images will only work if they are located directly in the plugin data folder. Make sure the string you type is exactly what the file name is!
# Should PictureAds allow external URLs?
urls: true
# Should PictureAds ignore players holding items in their offhand? (PictureAds uses the offhand to display a map with the advertisement image on it.) (Items will still be replaced back, but issues may arise if a player is in a PvP fight and loses their shield...)
ignore_holding: false
# The delay in ticks for the advertisement map to be removed from the player's offhand.
# 20 ticks = 1 second
delay: 100
# Should PictureAds send the message to players that lets them know that the displayed map image is an advertisement?
message: true
# Timezones supported by Java.
# EST - -05:00
# HST - -10:00
# MST - -07:00
# ACT - Australia/Darwin
# AET - Australia/Sydney
# AGT - America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires
# ART - Africa/Cairo
# AST - America/Anchorage
# BET - America/Sao_Paulo
# BST - Asia/Dhaka
# CAT - Africa/Harare
# CNT - America/St_Johns
# CST - America/Chicago
# CTT - Asia/Shanghai
# EAT - Africa/Addis_Ababa
# ECT - Europe/Paris
# IET - America/Indiana/Indianapolis
# IST - Asia/Kolkata
# JST - Asia/Tokyo
# MIT - Pacific/Apia
# NET - Asia/Yerevan
# NST - Pacific/Auckland
# PLT - Asia/Karachi
# PNT - America/Phoenix
# PRT - America/Puerto_Rico
# PST - America/Los_Angeles
# SST - Pacific/Guadalcanal
# VST - Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh
# Only have to be set if you are planning on using schedules.
timezone: "CST"
# Configuration for scheduled advertisements. Uses configured timezone. Server has to be online during this time for the advertisement to go out.
# **FORMAT**: "month/day/year hour:minute:second AM/PM" "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM" (Must follow this format CLOSELY or PictureAds may not know what you have set!)
# Ex: "12/31/2022 10:00:00 AM": "image.png" - Gets the picture from the plugin's data folder with the provided name.
# Ex: "01/01/2023 10:00:00 AM": "" - Gets the picture from the provided URL to display. Must have 'urls' set to true for this to work.
# Ex: "01/01/2023 09:05:01 PM"
# Ex: "01/05/2023 09:05:10 PM"
# You do not have to add schedule times if you do not want to. But leave 'schedule:' here to prevent any errors within the plugin.
# "12/31/2022 10:00:00 AM": "image.png" # This will broadcast 'image.png' to all players online on the last day of 2022 at 10:00:00 AM.
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Developer API:
Please don’t forget to leave a review. If you are going to leave a review, please provide me some information on how to improve the plugin. Thanks!