This configuration is specially designed for Server Owners, with the primary purpose of keeping players engaged for longer periods of time on their Custom LifeSteal Servers.
One of the major advantages of this configuration is that it saves
you alot of your time setting it up by yourself!

This configuration includes 60 Existing Levels, providing over 2750 Hours of Gameplay.
However, many more levels will be added in the future updates!
Regular Updates and Improvements are carried out to keep the experience
constantly up to date and optimized!
Each level provides unique and distinctive rewards to
maintain the interest and Motivation of the Players.

Need more information about config, you found a bug or have any questions?
Feel free to contact me.
(For the fastest answer, contact me on discord)
DISCORD: ultimatesetups
BUILTBYBIT: Private Message

━━━━━━ ULTIMATE SETUPS ━━━━━━
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