Discord Server Portfolio
A modern, responsive website for showcasing your Discord server with static as well as real-time stats, customizable themes, and a beautiful UI.
Real-time Statistics
- Live member count
- Online member tracking
- Staff presence monitoring
- Channel and role statistics
- Server boost level
- Active events counter
Theme System
- Light theme
- Dark theme
- Custom gradient theme
- Persistent theme selection
Responsive Design
- Mobile-first approach
- Adaptive layouts
- Smooth animations
- Optimized performance
Server Management
- Staff team directory
- Role hierarchy display
- Server rules section
- Community guidelines
A modern, responsive website for showcasing your Discord server with static as well as real-time stats, customizable themes, and a beautiful UI.

- Live member count
- Online member tracking
- Staff presence monitoring
- Channel and role statistics
- Server boost level
- Active events counter

- Light theme
- Dark theme
- Custom gradient theme
- Persistent theme selection

- Mobile-first approach
- Adaptive layouts
- Smooth animations
- Optimized performance

- Staff team directory
- Role hierarchy display
- Server rules section
- Community guidelines