Promotion Essentials is the master promotion plugin! Promote players with Time, Signs, Passwords, Tokens, Money and Kills! I am completely dedicated to this plugin, so don't worry about not getting support for your version of spigot! This plugin is perfect if you don't have time to promote everyone manually on your server, the opportunities are limitless!
Suggest Features or ask for help through PM, Thank you!
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Send me a ticket! I will try to answer it immediately!
Video Tutorial
I am currently making a video tutorial for the plugin!
Planned Features
Suggest Features or ask for help through PM, Thank you!
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- Promotion after a certain amount of time! (Back and better than ever)
- Get Promoted via Password
- Get Promoted via Signs
- Get Promoted by Tokens
- Buy Ranks with in-game money
- Promotion by kills!
- /apply [password] --> use the password to get promoted
- /token [token] --> use token [token]
- /token create [group] [expiration] --> create a random token for [group] with the expiration [expiration] - Expiration format is 00h00m00s
- /rank list--> list all buyable ranks
- /rank buy [rank] --> buy the rank [rank]
- pe.sign.create --> Anyone with this permission will be able to create promotion signs
- pe.sign.use.<group> --> Anyone with this permission will be able to use promotion signs for the group <group>
- pe.sign.use.* ----------> Anyone with this permission will be able to use all promotion signs
- pe.kill.promote ---> Anyone with this permission will be able to get promoted from kills
- pe.token.use ----------> Anyone with this permission will be able to use tokens
- pe.token.* ----------> Anyone with this permission will be able to use all token commands
- pe.token.create ----------> Anyone with this permission will be able to create token
-[rank] ----------> Anyone with this permission will be able to buy [rank]
- pe.rank.list ----------> Anyone with this Permission will be able to use the /ranks command
-* ---> Buy any rank
- pe.apply --> Allows you to apply for promotion.


Need Help?
Send me a ticket! I will try to answer it immediately!
Video Tutorial
I am currently making a video tutorial for the plugin!
Planned Features
- A way to put what the rank gives when you buy it
- More to come soon!