RKore v1.5.7

Schematic Builder, Extra Plugin Fixes/Improvements

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Discord - Reap#0001
Development Server


Schematic Builder
Add schematics that place with a set duration and you can rotate the schematic via right clicking after placing the schematic a gui will appear to change the direction and you may also cancel the placement and it will return the item to you! It has a set time you can configure in the config so it may take 10seconds to place or 10mins its up to you, you can add unlimited amount of cannon/build/anything you desire!


Schematic Builder Demo

Infinite Blocks/Buckets
This is to create a block/bucket that can be placed infinitely without having to get more/buy more, these blocks can be completely configured and created with, lores, glow, price per place, display-name and material.


Fly Boost Limiter
This is to stop the fly boosting on your server, players who use faction/pvp clients tent to have a fly boosting feature, as server owners this is hard to patch and ClearLagg doesn't have a staff bypass, RKore does have a staff bypass, and it works via blocks per second, so you can accurately determine the player speed and stop them via placing them back to their previous location that they flyboosted from, you can either set the player back and send a chat message, or toggle a option to enable a kick message and set player back, it is fully configurable!

FlyBoostLimiter Demo

Clear Lag
This is similar to Clear Lag but is also has a few features that are unique, it has commands on clear, and customizable messages to send, and is toggleable to if you preview your clear lag option you can disable this.

External Command Fixes
This is used to fix some issues with bedrock incompatibilities with certain plugins
(suggest external command fixes @ GitHub)

Clear Inventory Confirm
A essentials feature to most servers to allow players to confirm they want to clear their inventory! can also be disabled if you use another plugin for such things!

Command Spy
A Simple but essentials feature for staff members to spy on players and what commands they are doing! Discord Webhook integration!


Commands All command aliases can be edited
/rkore - plugin credits
/rkore help - shows argument commands
/rkore reload - reloads settings.yml and schematic.yml
/rkore give <player> <schematic> [with_air] - gives schembuilder item to player with or without air within the schematic (true/false)
/rkore infiniteblock <player> <infiniteblock> - gives the player a infinite block item
/rkore external <cmd> - performs a command to console that can be used to fix bedrock issues (( view settings.yml for more information ))
/cmdspy - toggles on and off command spy
/clearlag - clears entities from world (( able to have commands performed to console on clearlag such as /mob-stacking killall ))
/clearlag time - displays the time until the next clearlag
/clearinventory - clears a players inventory and also has the option for players to have to confirm clear and bypass confirm permission
/flyboostlimiter - toggles fly speed limiter bypass for players with the permission
/discord - shows the servers discord
/website - shows the servers website
/store - shows the servers web store

Permissions All permission names can be changed
Clear Inventory
bypass permission - rkore.clearinventory.admin

Infinite Blocks
permission - rkore.infinite-blocks.admin

Command Spy
bypass permission - rkore.cmdspy.bypass
permission - rkore.cmdspy

Info Commands
permission - none

External Commands
permission - rkore.externalcommands

Clear Lag
permission - rkore.clearlag.clear
time permission - none

Fly Speed Limiter
bypass permission - rkore.flyspeedlimiter.bypass
bedrock bypass permission - rkore.flyspeedlimiter.bedrock
toggle permission - rkore.flyspeedlimiter.toggle.bypass

Schematic Builder
admin permission - rkore.schembuilder.admin

Latest reviews

Amazing plugin, currently use on all my servers, best free plugin out!
EULA: Standard EULA
Mar 21, 2023 Published
Apr 4, 2023 Updated
5.00 star(s)
Average rating (1)
1.3 MB File size
  1. Chat
  2. Staff
  3. Patch
Supported software
  1. Bukkit
  2. Spigot
  3. Paper
Supported versions
  1. 1.8
Struggling to cover the costs of your server? Set up your own webstore with Tebex in under 30 seconds.
Recommended for you
#1 BuiltByBit Plugin ~ Protects your server from crash packet exploits ~ Folia Support
5.00 star(s) 109 ratings
2,837 purchases
The ultimate chat formatting and filtering plugin. Can replace 200+ plugins. Customizable & fast.
5.00 star(s) 118 ratings
2,382 purchases
All-in-one dungeon creator. Create unlimited, timed dungeon experiences with your own builds
4.50 star(s) 62 ratings
2,201 purchases
High Performance | Customizable | Cross-Version | GeyserMC | Folia Support
5.00 star(s) 59 ratings
2,081 purchases
Protect your server from crash/dupe/packets exploits with the ultimate Spigot security fix plugin.
5.00 star(s) 23 ratings
1,464 purchases
Mar 21, 2023 Published
Apr 4, 2023 Updated
5.00 star(s)
Average rating (1)
1.3 MB File size
  1. Chat
  2. Staff
  3. Patch
Supported software
  1. Bukkit
  2. Spigot
  3. Paper
Supported versions
  1. 1.8
Struggling to cover the costs of your server? Set up your own webstore with Tebex in under 30 seconds.
Recommended for you
#1 BuiltByBit Plugin ~ Protects your server from crash packet exploits ~ Folia Support
5.00 star(s) 109 ratings
2,837 purchases
The ultimate chat formatting and filtering plugin. Can replace 200+ plugins. Customizable & fast.
5.00 star(s) 118 ratings
2,382 purchases
All-in-one dungeon creator. Create unlimited, timed dungeon experiences with your own builds
4.50 star(s) 62 ratings
2,201 purchases
High Performance | Customizable | Cross-Version | GeyserMC | Folia Support
5.00 star(s) 59 ratings
2,081 purchases
Protect your server from crash/dupe/packets exploits with the ultimate Spigot security fix plugin.
5.00 star(s) 23 ratings
1,464 purchases