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(Ip Currently Off for the moment)

TheBridge is a Minigame where players have to score goals to eliminate others teams. When a player scores a goal, he wins a life and team's goal loose a life. When there is only two teams remaining, deathmatch state entered and teams cannot regain lives. Last Team alive win the game!
My TheBridge Version add Booster, Achievements, Quests and much more quality system.

Coming Soon:

-> /thebridge setspawn [lobby/spectator] | Set Spawn for Lobby and Spectator.
-> /thebridge enderportalblock | Give you a EnderEye to change block into Ender Portal Block (requires Creative Gamemode).
-> /thebridge setbuildzone | Save the Current Selection for the BuildZone of the Game.
-> /thebridge setgoal [1/2/3/4] | Save the Current Selection to the Goal of each team.
-> /thebridge setteamspawn [1/2/3/4] | Save the Current Selection to the spawn of each team.
-> /thebridge setcage [1/2/3/4] | Save the Current Selection to the Cage of each team.

-> /booster activate | Activate a Booster (Requires one at least).
-> /booster info | Give informations about the actual booster.
-> /booster give (player) (number) | Give Booster to the Player.

-> /tip | Thanks the actual Booster.

Progress ActionBar
Timer Titles

Timer Titles

First Select a Bone.
Then make a Selection.

Then make a Selection.

Join me on Discord to have more informations, help, requests or offers. I'm connected 18h/24h everyday.

If you have problems or errors, don't add 1 star vote. Contact me on Discord : Dorian349#8318
You can join my discord support server : https://discord.gg/Ywxn77D
You can join my discord support server : https://discord.gg/Ywxn77D