Sentinel | License Management Solution v1.10.0

Self-hosted license management, protecting your software from unauthorized redistribution.

¹ While any language that can make an HTTP request can use Sentinel, the API wrapper is currently only available in Java. We would be happy to assist you in creating a wrapper for a programming language of your choice.
² Automatic Mode requires a supported marketplace platform like SpigotMC or BuiltByBit.

The ultimate licensing system.
Self-hosted license management, protecting your software from unauthorized redistribution.

Why Sentinel?
1. Robust REST API, powered by Spring. Take control over your data & uptime. AES-encrypted responses keep information safe.
2. Secure any product, any language.[1] Protect your plugin, bot, app, and more, regardless of what language it is coded in.
3. Manage licenses everywhere. Turn your Discord into your control panel with a modern, self-hosted bot.


  • Automatic Mode[2]: Eliminate the friction of manually creating licenses while still protecting your work. You can disable this mode on products you want complete control over.
  • Server and IP Address Limits: Set the maximum number of servers and IP addresses a product can be used on. You can modify or disable this limit for each license.
  • Identities and Connections: Attach customers’ identities to their license. Identify or search for a license using the customer’s Discord, SpigotMC, BuiltByBit, email, and more.
  • Expirations: Issue temporary licenses with a custom expiry date or duration. Perfect for managing subscriptions and free trials.
  • Blacklists: Manually ban licenses that have violated your policies from being used. Sentinel keeps track of when and why a blacklist was issued.
  • Unlimited Products: Add an unlimited number of products to be managed, each with different default limitations and other settings.
  • Product Roles: Automatically issue a customizable role on Discord when you create a license that is connected to a Discord user.
  • Precise Action Logs: Receive detailed console, Discord, and file-based notifications when a license is authenticated or modified via the API or the bot.

Questions or inquiries? Receive real-time help from a dedicated team of support representatives on our Discord server.

Still not convinced? Here's a little peek at what's inside.

» Seamless License Creation
Select a product and go, or add additional information such as the Discord, BuiltByBit profile, and expiration. Everything is done in just seconds.

» Detailed, Concise, Private
Everything you need to know is presented in an easy-to-understand manner in ephemeral messages. See what's happening with just a glance while ensuring nobody else does.

» Instantaneous Searching
Pull up a customer's license from their license key, Discord, email, or any other platform whenever you want. Need to find all of a customer's licenses? That's easy.


» Precise Editing
Change any detail of a license at any time. Blacklist a license, reset the IP addresses it has been used on, or extend its duration... all at your fingertips.

» Comprehensive Logs
Keep track of what changes are being made to licenses and who is executing such actions. All license updates, including successful/unsuccessful authentication attempts, are recorded in log files, Sentinel's console, and customizable Discord channels.

» Customizable
Simple customization options that make Sentinel feel like yours. Add different platforms, change product defaults (like automatic mode, maximum servers/IPs, and logo), and modify Discord message formats.

...and so much more.

  • Response Encryption: Encrypt all of Sentinel's API responses to deter tampering. Don't worry; our wrappers have built-in decryption functions to save you the hassle.
  • Sub-Users: Associate licenses with unlimited sub-users from any platform. Discord-based sub-users may receive a customizable role. Learn more about what sub-users are on Sentinel's wiki.
  • Real-Time Discord Role Tracking: Discord users will always have the correct product roles whenever a license with Discord-based connections is created/deleted/updated.
  • Rate Limits: Ultra-customizable token-based rate limits. Allow 200 requests per 5 minutes, 3,000 requests per hour... it's up to you.
  • API Users: Create unlimited API keys with varying permissions. A "client" key may only be able to authenticate licenses, but an "admin" key can can get, create, edit, and delete licenses. Completely customizable.
  • License List Pagination: Sentinel's API and Discord bot can output lists of licenses for a specific product in record efficiency through paginated responses, even if you have thousands of customers.
  • Inactive Server/IP Purging: Automatically remove inactive servers and IP addresses so they do not unnecessarily take up slots on a customer's license. Reduces how often you will need to provide license "resets". Toggleable and customizable!
  • MongoDB Storage: Data is securely and efficiently stored in and retrieved from your own MongoDB database.

⚠️ Disclaimer ⚠️
Sentinel attempts to prevent and discourage users from leaking/pirating your product, but it does not stop them from doing so. When you distribute your product (for example, a plugin JAR), you are effectively handing your (byte)code over to the user; hence, with enough effort, a leaker who is determined enough will be able to remove or bypass your protection. Sentinel and any other protective measures you put in place (such as obfuscation, which is strongly recommended) can only delay the inevitable. Any service that claims it will "completely protect" your product is a scam. Sentinel should be seen more as a management or administrative tool.

Official Partner of Revivenode

Use code 'DEMENG' at checkout for 15% off your first purchase!

Terms and Conditions
By purchasing this digital product, you agree to and are bound by the following Terms and Conditions. Please read this section carefully before making a purchase. For concerns and inquiries, contact our support team at
  1. We reserve the right to permanently revoke your product access if we believe you have violated these Terms and Conditions.
  2. Refunds are typically not issued due to the nature of the product. Since the product is entirely digital, there is no way to verify that you have removed the download from your device; however, if you have not downloaded the product or experience defects that our customer support cannot resolve within a reasonable timeframe, you are eligible for a full refund within seven days after the purchase. We will not return platform, gateway, and other transaction-related fees incurred during the purchase and refund process.
  3. Filing a chargeback or dispute on your purchase before contacting our customer support to attempt to resolve any issues will result in the suspension of product access until we reach an agreement.
  4. Do not claim the product or any of its assets as your own or pretend in any way that anyone other than us created it.
  5. Redistributing the product or its assets without written permission is strictly prohibited. Redistribution includes but is not limited to reselling the product, auctioning an account that owns the product, or selling premade setups with the product installed.
  6. Do not attempt to decompile, deobfuscate, or reverse engineer the product for any purpose.
  7. Do not modify the product's source code unless you have received my written consent or purchased access to the source code as an add-on. The modified source code and associated files (such as a compiled JAR) shall only be for personal, non-commercial use. You cannot redistribute modified versions of the product.
  8. You are solely responsible for securing all your copies of the product. We will hold you accountable if one of your associates breaks any of these Terms and Conditions.
  9. We provide the product "as is" without warranty of any kind. In no event shall we be liable for any claim, damages, or other liability arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.
  10. Support and updates for the product are not guaranteed. While we attempt to offer the highest level of customer service and consistent updates, we do it at our discretion.

Latest reviews

This license was given for free. What's this?
Super amazing license system! Before this I was using plex license and this is WAY better than that, if you are looking to purchase a licensing system I would definitely suggest this!!! 10/10 Would recommend!
I'd say it's the best on the market. Works well, easy setup, great support and documentation. W demger
An amazing resource that helps so much with creating applications and other things. Super easy to integrate too!
This license was given for free. What's this?
Amazing license by a developer who has proven he will continue to support projects and not abandon them after release. It was easy to setup and easy to intergrade into my projects.
Amazing resource with great support too. The Discord bot is very well-made and very nice to use. I was assisted with the set up and helped out with any issues I came across. I could not recommend it more! ⭐
Buy a license now
EULA: Standard EULA
MC Server Setup Integration
Add licensing to your premade Spigot server setup. Installation not included. Contact for info.
Complete Installation Service
We'll install/configure Pterodactyl, Sentinel, and a reverse proxy. Requires Linux, MongoDB, domain.
Advanced Networking Service
We'll set up a reverse proxy (HTTPS, custom domain, no port). Requires Linux, Mongo, Ptero, domain.
MongoDB Installation Service
We'll install a self-hosted MongoDB instance on your Linux machine (VPS or dedicated server).
New: Now supporting cryptocurrency payments!
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115 Purchases
Apr 16, 2023 Published
Jun 25, 2024 Updated
5.00 star(s)
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35.9 MB File size
  1. Moderation
  2. Utility
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