ServerEssentials replaces the default minecraft Join, Quit and Death messages as well as adding some extra commands such as homes and a staff list.

/SetHome - Sets a home at the players location that they can later go back to.
/Home - Teleports the player to there home they set with /sethome.
/Staff - Shows all online staff.
/Kills - shows your current kill streak.
/Heal - Heals the player.
/JoinMotd - Sets the join MOTD.
/Showjoinmotd - Shows you the join MOTD.
/Alert - Alert the whole server.
/ItemID - Shows you the ID of the current item you are holding
---3.0 AND UP---
Fun - /Hat - Put a block on your head.
Cheat - /Day - Turn the time to day.
Cheat - /Night - Turn the time to night.
Cheat - /Sun - Change the weather to clear.
Cheat - /Rain - Change the weather to storm.
Cheat - /Feed - Fill your hunger.
Moderation - /Gm - Change gamemode.
Moderation - /Tp - Teleport to a player.
Moderation - /Tphere - Teleport a player to you.
Moderation - /Kill - Kill a player
Moderation - /Setwarp - Set a server warp.
Moderation - /Warp - Warp to a server warp.
Moderation - /Msg - Private message a player.
Moderation - /R - Reply to a private message.
Moderation - /Ignore - A player will be unable to message you.
Moderation - /Seen - Shows the last time a player joined.
Moderation - /Tpa - Send a teleport request to a player.
Moderation - /Tpahere - Send a teleport here request to a player.
Moderation - /Tpaccept - Accept a teleport request.
Moderation - /Lc - Lock the chat.
Moderation - /SReload - Reload the plugin.
Moderation - /Cc - Clear the chat.

/Heal - ServerEssentials.heal
/JoinMotd - ServerEssentials.setmotd
/ShowJoinMotd - N/A (Let me know if you wish for one)
/Alert - ServerEssentials.alert
/ItemID - ServerEssentials.ItemID
/Staff - ServerEssentials.staff
/SetHome - ServerEssentials.sethome
/Home - ServerEssentials.home
/Kills - N/A (Let me know if you wish for one)
/Hat - ServerEssentials.hat
/Gm - ServerEssentials.gamemode
/Day - ServerEssentials.time
/Night - ServerEssentials.time
/Sun - ServerEssentials.weather
/Rain - ServerEssentials.weather
/Feed - ServerEssentials.feed
/Tp - ServerEssentials.tp
/Tphere - ServerEssentials.tp
/Kill - ServerEssentials.kill
/Setwarp - ServerEssentials.setwarp
/Warp - ServerEssentials.warp
/Msg - ServerEssentials.msg
/R - ServerEssentials.msg
/Ignore - ServerEssentials.msg
/Seen - ServerEssentials.seen
/Tpa - ServerEssentials.tpa
/Tpahere - ServerEssentials.tpa
/Tpaccept - ServerEssentials.tpa
/Cc - ServerEssentials.clearchat
/Lc - ServerEssentials.lockchat
/SReload - ServerEssentials.reload


Skript - http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/skript/
Download and install the Skript.Jar from the link above > Start your server > Download ServerEssentials.sk and put it in Skript > Scripts > Then drag and drop the file in.