[Skript]ServerEssentials [Essentials For Skript] v4.0



ServerEssentials replaces the default minecraft Join, Quit and Death messages as well as adding some extra commands such as homes and a staff list.

/SetHome - Sets a home at the players location that they can later go back to.
/Home - Teleports the player to there home they set with /sethome.
/Staff - Shows all online staff.
/Kills - shows your current kill streak.
/Heal - Heals the player.
/JoinMotd - Sets the join MOTD.
/Showjoinmotd - Shows you the join MOTD.
/Alert - Alert the whole server.
/ItemID - Shows you the ID of the current item you are holding
---3.0 AND UP---
Fun - /Hat - Put a block on your head.
Cheat - /Day - Turn the time to day.
Cheat - /Night - Turn the time to night.
Cheat - /Sun - Change the weather to clear.
Cheat - /Rain - Change the weather to storm.
Cheat - /Feed - Fill your hunger.
Moderation - /Gm - Change gamemode.
Moderation - /Tp - Teleport to a player.
Moderation - /Tphere - Teleport a player to you.
Moderation - /Kill - Kill a player
Moderation - /Setwarp - Set a server warp.
Moderation - /Warp - Warp to a server warp.
Moderation - /Msg - Private message a player.
Moderation - /R - Reply to a private message.
Moderation - /Ignore - A player will be unable to message you.
Moderation - /Seen - Shows the last time a player joined.
Moderation - /Tpa - Send a teleport request to a player.
Moderation - /Tpahere - Send a teleport here request to a player.
Moderation - /Tpaccept - Accept a teleport request.
Moderation - /Lc - Lock the chat.
Moderation - /SReload - Reload the plugin.
Moderation - /Cc - Clear the chat.

/Heal - ServerEssentials.heal
/JoinMotd - ServerEssentials.setmotd
/ShowJoinMotd - N/A (Let me know if you wish for one)
/Alert - ServerEssentials.alert
/ItemID - ServerEssentials.ItemID
/Staff - ServerEssentials.staff
/SetHome - ServerEssentials.sethome
/Home - ServerEssentials.home
/Kills - N/A (Let me know if you wish for one)
/Hat - ServerEssentials.hat
/Gm - ServerEssentials.gamemode
/Day - ServerEssentials.time
/Night - ServerEssentials.time
/Sun - ServerEssentials.weather
/Rain - ServerEssentials.weather
/Feed - ServerEssentials.feed
/Tp - ServerEssentials.tp
/Tphere - ServerEssentials.tp
/Kill - ServerEssentials.kill
/Setwarp - ServerEssentials.setwarp
/Warp - ServerEssentials.warp
/Msg - ServerEssentials.msg
/R - ServerEssentials.msg
/Ignore - ServerEssentials.msg
/Seen - ServerEssentials.seen
/Tpa - ServerEssentials.tpa
/Tpahere - ServerEssentials.tpa
/Tpaccept - ServerEssentials.tpa
/Cc - ServerEssentials.clearchat
/Lc - ServerEssentials.lockchat
/SReload - ServerEssentials.reload


Skript - http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/skript/
Download and install the Skript.Jar from the link above > Start your server > Download ServerEssentials.sk and put it in Skript > Scripts > Then drag and drop the file in.

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Its useful! I like this skript!
EULA: Standard EULA
May 17, 2015 Published
Jul 9, 2015 Updated
5.00 star(s)
Average rating (2)
3 KB File size
Struggling to cover the costs of your server? Set up your own webstore with Tebex in under 30 seconds.
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The plus version of the Squid Game minigame of the netflix series brought to minecraft.
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Custom fishing and enchantment system for your server.
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Introducing a custom script meticulously designed to revolutionize the way you manage your home loca
5.00 star(s) 4 ratings
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Custom farming and enchantment system for your server.
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39 purchases
This skript is exactly the same like the donutsmp keyall and is easy to setup and very customizable.
4.50 star(s) 2 ratings
32 purchases
May 17, 2015 Published
Jul 9, 2015 Updated
5.00 star(s)
Average rating (2)
3 KB File size
Struggling to cover the costs of your server? Set up your own webstore with Tebex in under 30 seconds.
Recommended for you
The plus version of the Squid Game minigame of the netflix series brought to minecraft.
3.50 star(s) 8 ratings
140 purchases
Custom fishing and enchantment system for your server.
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42 purchases
Introducing a custom script meticulously designed to revolutionize the way you manage your home loca
5.00 star(s) 4 ratings
37 purchases
Custom farming and enchantment system for your server.
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39 purchases
This skript is exactly the same like the donutsmp keyall and is easy to setup and very customizable.
4.50 star(s) 2 ratings
32 purchases