SpecializedCrates is the first Spigot Crates Plugin 1.8 - 1.21.4 that allows you to
create custom animations without any programming knowledge.

25 Unique Crate Animations
• Create any animation you like with our custom animation creator
• All extremely unique to each another animations
IN-Game Editor
• Edit all of the crate settings in-game via GUI
• Easily save any custom items in game to the configuration file easily
NBT Tag / Custom Items Support
• ItemsAdder, Oraxen, AdvancedEnchantments, MMOItems, Head Database supported
NBT Tag / Custom Items Support
• ItemsAdder, Oraxen, AdvancedEnchantments, MMOItems, Head Database supported
Guaranteed Rewards / Fallback Rewards
• Guaranteed rewards that will always be given to the player
• Fallback rewards - useful for cases when a player already has a reward and should win a different one instead (example - ranks)
Lucky Chests / Miner Chests
• Find crates when mining specific blocks
• A fun feature for all type of servers, especially prison servers
Economy Crates
• Use money to open crates
Custom Reward Preview Menus
• Edit the preview menus in-game via in-game editor easily with many pages exactly to your liking!
Particle Animations For Crates
• Make your crate look fancy using any of the 8 particle animations found in the plugin, you can check them here!
And many more features found in the plugin!
If you need setup help, don't hesitate to ask on the Specialized Crates discord! https://discord.gg/HvkTfxCKyw
PlaceholderAPI support
%specializedcrates_cooldown_[cratename]% - The remaining cooldown a player has on a crate.
%specializedcrates_virtual_keys_[cratename]% - The number of virtual keys a player has for a crate.
%specializedcrates_virtual_keys_total% - The number of all virtual keys from all crates that a player has.
%specializedcrates_virtual_crates_[cratename]% - The number of virtual crates a player has for a crate.
%specializedcrates_placedcrates% - The total number of placed crates on the server.
%specializedcrates_last_crate_opened% - The last crate the player opened.
%specializedcrates_last_crate_opened_rewards% - The last reward the player received.
%specializedcrates_last_player_[cratename]% - The last player to open the specified crate.
%specializedcrates_last_reward_[cratename]% - The last reward to be opened from the specified crate.
%specializedcrates_last_reward_name_[cratename]% - The last reward's name to be opened from the specified crate.
%specializedcrates_virtual_keys_[cratename]% - The number of virtual keys a player has for a crate.
%specializedcrates_virtual_keys_total% - The number of all virtual keys from all crates that a player has.
%specializedcrates_virtual_crates_[cratename]% - The number of virtual crates a player has for a crate.
%specializedcrates_placedcrates% - The total number of placed crates on the server.
%specializedcrates_last_crate_opened% - The last crate the player opened.
%specializedcrates_last_crate_opened_rewards% - The last reward the player received.
%specializedcrates_last_player_[cratename]% - The last player to open the specified crate.
%specializedcrates_last_reward_[cratename]% - The last reward to be opened from the specified crate.
%specializedcrates_last_reward_name_[cratename]% - The last reward's name to be opened from the specified crate.

Terms of Service (you agree to, by buying/downloading this plugin from www.spigotmc.org):
- You are responsible what happens with the plugin after you download, therefore, if plugin is leaked or redistributed and it's registered under your name, I am allowed to remove you from buyers list without a warning. I may be obligated to report you on SpigotMC, which might lead to your account being permanently suspended (banned).
- You may not redistribute plugin, in any shape or form neither it's code or parts of it.No refunds, as one does not have a right to get a refund for such digital item, because you have been gained access to it instantly and may have used it.
- You may ask me for support.