- Usable Commands
Aliases: /schelp
Displays information about the staff chat system, including version details and instructions for use.
Does not require any permissions.
Aliases: /sc
Permission Required: staffchat.use
Usage with message: /sc <message>
Sends a quick message to the staff chat visible to players with the staffchat.use permission.
Usage without message: /sc
Toggles the staff chat mode on/off for the player.
When enabled, all chat messages from the player will be sent to staff chat until toggled off.
How These Commands Work
Useful for providing server staff with instructions on how to use the system.
If a <message> is provided (e.g., /sc Hello staff!), the message is sent to all players with the staffchat.use permission.
If no <message> is provided (e.g., /sc), the player's "staff chat mode" toggles:
On: All their chat messages go to the staff chat.
Off: Their messages return to normal chat.