Due to changes in the client in minecrat version 1.20.x, there was a bug that prevented players from connecting to the server if the server branding feature was enabled in the config. I fixed this bug thanks to the community.
We've fixed a bug with server overrides and also added a new FAQ feature that allows you to create interactive in-game menus for FAQ. Also added join/leave messages for staff.
The expected Redis Bungee Support has been added which synchronizes data, staffchat, stafflist etc.. across the entire redis bungee network!
Also a new WEB UI Editor has been added! There is a demo link to test it:
Added server name rebranding feature in F3
New report system across networks!
We have also added a messages system! The commands for it are /msg, /reply, /spy
Also added a new Domain Whitelist to make players only connect through your selected domains!
New wiki pages have been added as well as a demo server! The IP address is: demo.gggedr.lol
I added 5 commands for maintenance mode!
/maintenance disable
/maintenance enable
/maintenance add <player>
/maintenance remove <player>
I've also added a support command that sends a link to the support server in chat.
In addition, I've added timed messages that are sent automatically (in order or randomly) after a given time.
I also added the possibility of custom server commands such as /hub, /lobby, etc...
I've added a new command /spp server <name> which will list basic information about the servers in your network. Such as number of players, name, permissia and motd.
I also added 2 new commands to the Discord bot.
1. /player <name>
Shows you info about the online player. The principle is the same as the in-game command has. It will show his name, uuid, locale, view-distance, if he has forge, his ping and what server he is on and in addition, it will show you his head.
2. /debug
Shows you info at the plugin and about LuckPerms hook.
I added a placeholder %prefix% to the plugin for the /player command. And also the option to override the server name in config (applies to every command in the game as well as every command on discord!)
I fixed a bug that reported an error when disconnecting players and added a tab complete for the spp command.