StormGGWave is a simple plugin that allows you to activate GG Waves of a certain duration on your server, whenever you'd like! This has been seen on servers when a player purchases something from their store.
This plugin is open-source and available on GitHub.
/ggwave start <duration> - Starts a GG Wave
/ggwave stop - Stops an active GG Wave
/ggwave reload - Reloads the configuration files
All GGWave commands require the permission 'ggwave.use', which can be changed in the config.
permission: "ggwave.use"
- "&a&lGG"
- "&b&lGG"
- "&c&lGG"
- "&d&lGG"
- "&e&lGG"
- "&f&lGG"
- "&f&m--&e&lG&6&lG &e&lW&6&lA&e&lV&6&lE &e&lA&6&lC&e&lT&6&lI&e&lV&6&lA&e&lT&6&lE&e&lD&f&m--"
- "&f&m--&e&lTHE G&e&lG &e&lW&6&lA&e&lV&6&lE &e&lHAS ENDED!&f&m--"
WAVE-ONGOING: "&a&l(!) &aYou cannot start a wave as there is already one ongoing!"
WAVE-NOT-ONGOING: "&c&l(!) &cYou cannot end a wave as there is not one ongoing!"
INVALID-DURATION: "&c&l(!) &cYou must specify a valid duration to start a GGWave!"
NO-PERMISSION: "&c&l(!) &cYou do not have permission to execute that command!"