SuperBoots v1.4

Run fast, be invisible, don't starve, fly and much more!
Welcome... I guess if you visited this page for two reasons, you got the wrong plugin SuperBoots or you really want to know about this plugin which is amazing =)!


    • flying boots - allow you to fly as long as you have your boots equipped
    • invisible boots - Have you heard of the invisibility cloaks? this is the same but with boots =D!
    • speed boots - These boots allow you to run at inhuman speed... you might be the next scarlet sprinter!
    • anti hunger boots - are you from Venezuela? Don't worry even if it is like this, these boots will take away your hunger... not in the way you expect but you will be satisfied :)
    • resistance boots - Did you see the Incredibles? Well, in some exaggerated way this boot will allow you to resist the damage caused by lava, fire, fall and magic (for now).
Note: There are 5 types of special boots which are: FLYING_BOOTS, RESISTANCE_BOOTS, ANTI_HUNGER_BOOTS, INVISIBLE_BOOTS and SPEED_BOOTS

    • /specialboots give {type} - specialboots.give.{type} or specialboots.* | this command will give you a boot according to the type you choose!

    • /specialboots set {type} - specialboots.set.{type} or specialboots.* | this command will do something magical! you will say why?, well I will tell you. this command will allow you to add a type of specialty to the boot you have in your hand! (as long as it's a boot;) )
It's very simple. you equip the special boot and you will get their abilities =)!
EULA: Standard EULA
Jul 28, 2021 Published
Aug 12, 2021 Updated
Not yet rated
23.3 KB File size
Supported software
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Struggling to cover the costs of your server? Set up your own webstore with Tebex in under 30 seconds.
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Jul 28, 2021 Published
Aug 12, 2021 Updated
Not yet rated
23.3 KB File size
Supported software
Supported versions
Struggling to cover the costs of your server? Set up your own webstore with Tebex in under 30 seconds.
Recommended for you
Wardrobe system, tokens, balloons, backpacks, canes, hats with resource packs and much more.
3.50 star(s) 27 ratings
1,036 purchases
Expand the magic of your server with these avatars, on scoreboard, tab, bossbar, etc.
2.00 star(s) 5 ratings
263 purchases
revamp your server with these crates with models, animated rewards editor in game and much more.
4.00 star(s) 9 ratings
221 purchases
Wardrobe system, a unique gesture system with a variety of options to try, including cosmetics!
3.00 star(s) 2 ratings
146 purchases
Make your live events more fun with interactions on Tiktok, Twitch and Kick.
5.00 star(s) 3 ratings
40 purchases