SuperiorSkyBlock2 is a popular SkyBlock Core with this plugin, players start out on a small island in the sky, with limited resources and must use their creativity and survival skills to progress!
The SkyBlock Core includes a variety of features that enhance the Skyblock Experience, Including:
↘ Island Customization ↙
Players can customize their island with a range of blocks, items,
and decorations to make it their own.
↘ Quests ↙
There are a variety of quests to complete, which give players
objectives to work towards and rewards to earn.
↘ Challenges ↙
There are also challenges that players can take on, such as surviving a certain
number of days or building a specific structure.
↘ Economy ↙
The plugin includes an in-game economy system that allows players
to buy and sell items with each other.
↘ Permissions System ↙
The plugin includes a permissions system that allows server owners to control
what actions players can take on their islands.
Need more information about config, you found a bug or have any questions?
Feel free to contact me.
(For the fastest answer, contact me on discord)
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