Plugin to trolling players.
52 trolling methods.
Trolling methods (52):52 trolling methods.
- Explode the trolled player
- Give fake admin to trolled player
- Give fake op to trolled player
- Freeze / unFreeze the player
- Send rocket with player into cosmos
- Give fake crash to player
- Give fake ban to player
- Spawn webs under the player
- Spawn anvil above the player
- Spawn lava under the player
- Spawn water under the player
- Spawn zombie in the player location
- Spawn arrow above the trolled player
- Throw lightning strike the trolled player
- Throw poison potion to trolled player
- Rotating the trolled user
- Play a creeper sound
- Stealing the trolled user exp
- Set uncontrollable speed to trolled player
- Set Jump scare to trolled player
- Teleportation trolled player to random location
- Fake clear trolled player's inventory
- Teleport trolled player to spawn point location
- Teleport trolled player with wooden pickaxe 20 blocks below
- Drop item in trolled player's hand
- Spams player's chat
- Swaps the positions with the player
- Applies drunk effect to trolled player
- Sends fake join message to trolled player
- Opens trolled player's inventory
- Put on pumpkin at trolled player's head
- Spawning slime / "New Friend"
- Invite player to ride in minecart / "Let's go ride"
- Hacker troll
- Giving glass block to trolled player, but the player can not drop glass block
- Random potion effect for trolled player
- Reward from admin
- Burn the player
- Hit the player
- Make player hunger
- Give lucky tag name to the player
- Give copier bow to the player
- Make the player pirate
- Legendary trader
- Enderman mode
- Replacing diamond ores by lapis ores
- Set lower reach to trolled player
- Kick trolled player with no internet message
- Play warden sound to trolled player
- Explosive apple
- Send meteor above player
- Toggle player gravity
Commands :
/troll <player_name> - it will open gui
/admintroll reload- reload configuration
timsixth.troll (You can change this permission in config.yml)
permission: 'timsixth.troll'
guiname: '&9&lTimsixthTroll'
fakeadmin_format: '&c&lAdmin &f{NICK} &8>> &7{MESSAGE}'
fakeop_format: '&7[Console: Opped {NICK}]'
power_explosion: 2
gui_prefix: '&9&l&9&lTroll &8-'
LoreEnchantLine: '&7&kSmilemyfriend&f &7I'
LoreThirdLine: '&5Sword full of the secrets.'
itemName: '&5&lHacker Sword'
bookTitle: '&8Addressed to {NICK}'
author: '&0&kabcdefg'
content: 'Hello. I want give you secret item when you type this code in the chat: &7{CODE}'
admin_correct_use: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &cCorrect use: /atroll reload'
correctuse: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &cCorrect use: /troll <player>'
nopermission: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &cYou don''t have permission'
files_reloaded: '&aConfig have been reloaded successfully'
blowup: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &7You were blow up the player'
adminnow: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &aYou are admin now! Congratulations!'
gaveadmin: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &7You gave fake admin to {NICK}'
gaveop: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &7You gave fake op to {NICK}'
frozeplayer: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &7You just frozen the player'
unfreeze: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &7You just unfrozen the player'
lauchedplyaer: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &7You lunched the player in to cosmos'
sendcrash: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &7You sent fake crash to player'
offlineplayer: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &cThis player is offline'
fakeban: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &cYou are banned from this server :('
bannedplayer: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &7You gave fake ban player on this server'
spawnweb: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &7You spawned webs under the player'
spawnanvil: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &7You spawned anvil above the player'
spawnwater: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &7You spawned water under the player'
spawnlava: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &7You spawned lava under the player'
spawnzombie: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &7You spawned zombie in the player location'
spawnarrow: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &7You summoned arrows above the player''s head'
strikelightning: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &7You stroked the player with lightning'
poisoned: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &7You poisoned your victim'
rotated: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &7You rotated your victim'
creeperhiss: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &7You terrified your victim with creeper sound'
fakeexp: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &7Exp has been taken from victim for 10 seconds'
speed: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &7You applied speed effect to your victim'
scare: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &7You scared your victim'
teleport: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &7You teleported your victim in random place'
wooden_pick: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &7You teleported your victim 20 block below his current location with a wooden pickaxe.'
wooden_pick_other: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] Here''s a wooden pickaxe, dig yourself up!'
spawntp: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] You teleported player to the world spawnpoint'
spawntpNetherError: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] &cYou can do this only when player is in overworld.'
filledinv: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] You cleared your victims inventory'
nohanditem: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] Player has no item in his hand'
droppedhanditem: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] Dropped item from players hand'
spammed: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] Spammed random messages on players chat'
swapped: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] Swapped positions with the player'
drunk: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] You applied effects to player'
drunkother: '&f<{NICK}> i don''t feel so good..'
fakejoin: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] You sent fake join message to player'
fakejoinother: '&eHerobrine joined the game'
openinv: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] Opened players inventory'
put_on_pumpkin: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] You have put on pumpkin on trolled player''s head'
slime_name: '&a&lB.O.B.'
newFriend: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] Slime has been spawned'
you_get_slime: '&a&lYou have new friend!'
minecart_toTroller: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] Player have 10 seconds to get in minecart.'
minecart_toVictim: '&9&lIt''s time to ride!'
minecart_taskDone: "&e&lYay! You will recive a reward."
minecart_taskNotDone: "&9You don't get in minecart on time..."
hackerTroll: '&7[ &9T-Troll &7] The player got the book.'