☛ Description:
TAB Configuration, one of the best, as well as most popular TAB plugins for your Minecraft server, config isusing Minecraft Color Codes, but you can change the colors to whatever you wish!
☛ Showcase:
☛ Dependencies:
TAB - https://builtbybit.com/resources/tab-full-version.14009/
PlaceholderAPI - https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/placeholderapi.6245/
Vault - https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/vault.34315/
☛ Expansions:
The following PlaceholderAPI expansions are required for the scoreboard to display the correct values: vault, server
☛ Custom fonts:
For better looking fonts, you can use Lingojam Text Editor as well as RGB Birdflop
☛ Installation Guide:
1. Download the TAB configuration file.
2. Open it, and begin by copying the contents of it.
3. Replace the current text in your servers' configuration (config.yml) with the text I provided in the config.yml file.
4. Edit placeholders to fit your server.
5. Use /tab reload or restart your server for the changes to apply.
Support will be provided for the following
1. Troubles installing the configuration file
2. Any bugs you find within the configuration file
3. Additions/changes you might want to see added to the resource
4. + Anything else you might be struggling with
Add me on Discord: pristine.lol
☛ TOS:
1. You are not allowed to resell this resource
2. You may only use this configuration on servers you own
TAB Configuration, one of the best, as well as most popular TAB plugins for your Minecraft server, config isusing Minecraft Color Codes, but you can change the colors to whatever you wish!
☛ Showcase:
☛ Dependencies:
TAB - https://builtbybit.com/resources/tab-full-version.14009/
PlaceholderAPI - https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/placeholderapi.6245/
Vault - https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/vault.34315/
☛ Expansions:
The following PlaceholderAPI expansions are required for the scoreboard to display the correct values: vault, server
☛ Custom fonts:
For better looking fonts, you can use Lingojam Text Editor as well as RGB Birdflop
☛ Installation Guide:
1. Download the TAB configuration file.
2. Open it, and begin by copying the contents of it.
3. Replace the current text in your servers' configuration (config.yml) with the text I provided in the config.yml file.
4. Edit placeholders to fit your server.
5. Use /tab reload or restart your server for the changes to apply.
Support will be provided for the following
1. Troubles installing the configuration file
2. Any bugs you find within the configuration file
3. Additions/changes you might want to see added to the resource
4. + Anything else you might be struggling with
Add me on Discord: pristine.lol
☛ TOS:
1. You are not allowed to resell this resource
2. You may only use this configuration on servers you own