The Tag is new Minecraft minigame. In this minigame the tag are run about players and the tag must hit someone, next this player is the tag. After every round player who is a tag is eliminated from game
Game last as long as in game is two players.
When in game is two players there is final round which last is 45 seconds.
You can buy unique cosmetics to enrich game.
This plugin is not supported
Plugin presentation on youtube:
We offer free maps to our minigame:
- Multi worlds support
- Custom game cosmetics
- Saving statistics to database
- Simple area configuration
- Joining to area thanks to command
- MySQL and SQLite support
Player's commands:
- /thetag join (arena name) - Joins to arena
- /thetag leave - Leaves from arena
- /thetag list - List of all arenas
- /thetag stats - Your statistics
- /thetag randomjoin - Joins random arena
- /thetag cosmseticshop - Opens cosmetics shop
- /tta create (arena name) - Join to arena
- /tta setspawn (arena name) - Sets game spawn
- /tta setlobby - Sets lobby spawn
- /tta setgamelobby (arena name) - Sets new game lobby
- /tta addcoins (player name) (coins) - Adds coins to player
- /tta removecoins (player name) (coins) - Removes player coins
- /tta reload - Reloads configuration files
thetag.admin - Permissions to every admin commands
Min. Java 8
T-DataBaseApi plugin the latest version (The plugin supports MySql and SQLite) (require to work)
T-DataBaseApi you can download here
T-MiniGameAPI only 1.4.1 version minigame api (require to work) here
1. Put the TheTag plugin to plugins directory on your server folder
2. Put T-DataBaseApi plugin to plugins directory on your server folder
3. Put T-MiniGameAPI plugin to plugins directory on your server folder
4. Start server
5. When whole load correctly, stop server
6. Go to T-DataBaseApi config.yml and configure your credentials,host name,database to database (If do you want have SQLite you will type SQLITE in type in config.yml)
7. Start server
permission: 'thetag.admin'
==: org.bukkit.Location
x: 0
y: 70
z: 0
yaw: -157.1997
pitch: 1.9499522
world: world
material: BARRIER
name: '&cLeave from area &7(Right click)'
max_players: 4
min_players: 3
seconds_start: 10
round_time: 60
final_time: 45
costOfWin: 100.0
usePotionEffectsInFinal: false
theTagEffects: #potion_effect;level
- 'SPEED;1'
noTheTagEffects: #potion_effect;level
- 'SLOW;1'
title: '&a&lTheTag'
- '11;&7Your nickname: &a{PLAYER_NAME}'
- '10;&e'
- '9;&7Game time: &a{GAME_TIME}'
- '8;&7'
- '7;&7The tag: &a{IS_THE_TAG}'
noPermission: '&cYou don''t have permission'
setLobbySpawn: '&aLobby spawn has been set'
isNotANumber: '&cIt isn''t number'
reloadedFiles: '&aAll configuration files have been reloaded'
arenaCreated: '&aArena has been created'
arenaExists: '&cArena already exists'
arenaDoesNotExists: '&cArena does not exists'
setGameSpawn: '&aYou has set game spawn'
arenaCurrentlyPlaying: '&cThis arena is currently playing'
arenaList: '&aArena list'
emptyArenaList: '&cArena list is empty'
setGameLobbySpawn: '&aGame lobby has been set successfully'
dontHaveAnyEmptyArena: '&cCan not find empty arena to play'
leftPlayer: '&aYou have left from arena'
playerDoesNotExits: '&cThis player does not exist'
removedCoins: '&aYou have removed player coins {PLAYER_NAME}'
addedCoins: '&aYou have given coins to player {PLAYER_NAME}'
doesntHaveCoins: '&cThis player does not have coins,player balance is:&7 {PLAYER_COINS}'
greaterThanZero: '&cThis number must be greater than 0'
dontHaveCoins: '&cYou don''t have coins'
- '&7--------] &aTheTag stats &7[--------'
- '&7Defeats:&a {PLAYER_DEFEATS}'
- '&7Wins:&a {PLAYER_WINS}'
- '&7Games played:&a {PLAYER_GAMES_PLAYED}'
- '&7Coins:&a {PLAYER_COINS}'
- '&7--------] &aTheTag player commands &7[--------'
- '&7/&athetag join <arena name> &7- Join to arena'
- '&7/&athetag leave &7- Leave from arena'
- '&7/&athetag list &7- List of all arenas'
- '&7/&athetag stats &7- Your stats'
- '&7/&athetag randomjoin &7- Joins random arena'
- '&7/&athetag cosmeticshop &7- Opens cosmetics shop'
- '&7--------] &aTheTag admin commands &7[--------'
- '&7/&atta create <arena name> &7- Join to arena'
- '&7/&atta setspawn <arena name> &7- Sets game spawn'
- '&7/&atta setlobby &7- Sets lobby spawn'
- '&7/&atta setgamelobby <arena name> &7- Sets new game lobby'
- '&7/&atta addcoins <player name> <coins> &7- Adds coins to player'
- '&7/&atta removecoins <player name> <coins> &7- Removes player coins'
- '&7/&attas reload &7- Reloads all configuration files'
joined: '&a{NICK} &7has joined to arena'
left: '&a{NICK} &7has left from arena'
alreadyJoined: '&cYou already joined to this arena'
playerWon: '&aPlayer {NICK} has won the game'
removedTheTag: '&cThe tag has been removed from the game'
gameStarted: '&aGame started'
removedTheTagToPlayer: '&cYou has removed from game because you were the tag'
notCurrentlyPlaying: '&cYou can''t leave from game because you are not currently playing'
startingCanceled: '&cStarting canceled'
gameStarting: '&7Game starting in &a'
nextRoundStarted: '&aNext round started'
disabledCosmetic: '&cThe cosmetics are currently disabled'
enabledCosmetic: '&aCosmetics have activated successfully'
boughtCosmetic: '&aYou have bought cosmetic'
menuDoesntExists: '&cThis menu does not exists'
resetAllCosmeticsCategory: '&cYou have reset cosmetics of this category'
resetAllCosmetics: '&cYou have reset all cosmetics'
pleaseResetCosmetic: '&cPlease reset all your cosmetics of this category'
- %thetag_player_coins%
- %thetag_player_wins%
- %thetag_player_defeats%
- %thetag_player_games_played%
1. You can not redistribute this plugin.
2. You can not copy and redistribute code of this plugin.
If you break the rules ,we will take legal action against you.
Breaking these rules your license can be disabled and permanently banned your account.
2. You can not copy and redistribute code of this plugin.
If you break the rules ,we will take legal action against you.
Breaking these rules your license can be disabled and permanently banned your account.
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