Why TicketSupport:
TicketSupport is a Discord bot and can get hosted in a Minecraft server as a plugin. This plugin does not have an effect on your server and is only getting little resources to run. The Minecraft server is required to self-host this bot without you having to spend extra money for a dedicated Discord bot hosting service. The bot will be online only if your Minecraft server is online. This bot is coming with a config.yml file where you can configure everything. Also, is not use the primary thread and is running fully multi-threading, and will not lag your server. To use this bot you need a Bukkit/Spigot/Paper/BungeeCord/Waterfall/FlameCord server (version does not matter).
✪ Join our Discord server to test it!
❂ Creating a ticket:
❂ The ticket was created:
❂ Setup the panel:
❂ Create a ticket:
● Compatibility with all popular Java versions
● No dependencies
- You do not need to install any other plugin to run this plugin.
● Full customization
- You can fully configure the embed messages.
- You can configure the bot status.
- You can configure the ticket channel topic.
- You can configure the buttons with emojis.
- You can configure the ticket channel name.
- You can configure the closed ticket channel name.
● Custom buttons
- You must upload your own emojis.
- You can use animated emojis.
- You can use your own text.
● Multi-threading
- This plugin is not using the primary thread.
- Very low CPU usage.
● High code quality
- Everything from the config.yml file is stored in a cache.
● Active developer & Discord support
Ignore the below text for now. The description is beta and I will update it ASAP.
● Support roles!
● React with a custom emoji to create a ticket!
● React with a custom emoji to close the ticket!
● Create only one ticket per time!
● Ability to ghost ping roles and users when creating a ticket!
● Send a direct message when the user trying to create more tickets!
● Ability to use custom animated emojis!
● Ability to set custom bot status and activity!
● Ability to set channel topic on the created ticket!
● Ability to set channel slow-mode on the created ticket!
● Ability to set channel NSFW on the created ticket!
● Active developer and premium support!
Creating the bot:
1. Go to https://discord.com/developers/applications and click on "New Application".
2. Go to the "Bot" tab and click on "Add Bot".
3. Copy the bot's token as you'll need that later.
4. Scroll down to "PRESENCE INTENT" and enable it.
5. Scroll down to "SERVER MEMBERS INTENT" and enable it.
6. Go to the "OAuth2" tab, scroll down to "OAuth2 URL Generator" and select "bot".
7. Copy the link and paste it into your web browser and select the server, you want to add it to.
Setup the plugin:
1. Purchase the SupportTicket and download it!
2. Move the downloaded file into your server plugins folder!
3. Open/reload/restart your server!
4. Open the file license.yml and paste your key!
5. Reload/restart your server!
6. Configure the plugin on the config.yml file!
7. Use the command "!panel" in the panel channel to create the panel!
8. Enjoy it!
{user_default_avatar_url} ⇨ Displays user default avatar url.
{user_default_avatar_id} ⇨ Displays user default avatar id.
{user_id} ⇨ Displays user id.
{user_as_tag} ⇨ Displays user as tag.
{user_as_mention} ⇨ Displays user as mention.
{user_name} ⇨ Displays user name.
{user_discriminator} ⇨ Displays user discriminator.
{user_effective_avatar_url} ⇨ Displays user effective avatar id.
{user_nickname} ⇨ Displays user nickname.
{user_role_color} ⇨ Displays user role color.
(( ~ You can use these values in the config.yml file in the online-status section! ~ ))
(( ~ If you want to be my sponsor, join our Discord and message me! If you do not have a banner with dimensions 468 x 60, I can make one for you for FREE! ~ ))
TicketSupport is a Discord bot and can get hosted in a Minecraft server as a plugin. This plugin does not have an effect on your server and is only getting little resources to run. The Minecraft server is required to self-host this bot without you having to spend extra money for a dedicated Discord bot hosting service. The bot will be online only if your Minecraft server is online. This bot is coming with a config.yml file where you can configure everything. Also, is not use the primary thread and is running fully multi-threading, and will not lag your server. To use this bot you need a Bukkit/Spigot/Paper/BungeeCord/Waterfall/FlameCord server (version does not matter).
✪ Join our Discord server to test it!
❂ Creating a ticket:
❂ The ticket was created:
❂ Setup the panel:
❂ Create a ticket:
● Compatibility with all popular Java versions
- Currently, the supported Java versions are 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17.
- Java version 7 or older is not supported.
● No dependencies
- You do not need to install any other plugin to run this plugin.
● Full customization
- You can fully configure the embed messages.
- You can configure the bot status.
- You can configure the bot activity.
- You can configure the ghost ping roles.
- You can configure the ghost ping users.
- You can configure the ticket channel topic.
- You can configure the buttons with emojis.
- You can configure the ticket channel name.
- You can configure the closed ticket channel name.
● Custom buttons
- You must upload your own emojis.
- You can use animated emojis.
- You can use your own text.
● Multi-threading
- This plugin is not using the primary thread.
- Very low CPU usage.
● High code quality
- Everything from the config.yml file is stored in a cache.
● Active developer & Discord support
- Join our Discord server and verify your account for support.
- Support will be given only to the person who bought this Plugin.
Ignore the below text for now. The description is beta and I will update it ASAP.
● Support roles!
● React with a custom emoji to create a ticket!
● React with a custom emoji to close the ticket!
● Create only one ticket per time!
● Ability to ghost ping roles and users when creating a ticket!
● Send a direct message when the user trying to create more tickets!
● Ability to use custom animated emojis!
● Ability to set custom bot status and activity!
● Ability to set channel topic on the created ticket!
● Ability to set channel slow-mode on the created ticket!
● Ability to set channel NSFW on the created ticket!
● Active developer and premium support!
Creating the bot:
1. Go to https://discord.com/developers/applications and click on "New Application".
2. Go to the "Bot" tab and click on "Add Bot".
3. Copy the bot's token as you'll need that later.
4. Scroll down to "PRESENCE INTENT" and enable it.
5. Scroll down to "SERVER MEMBERS INTENT" and enable it.
6. Go to the "OAuth2" tab, scroll down to "OAuth2 URL Generator" and select "bot".
7. Copy the link and paste it into your web browser and select the server, you want to add it to.
Setup the plugin:
1. Purchase the SupportTicket and download it!
2. Move the downloaded file into your server plugins folder!
3. Open/reload/restart your server!
4. Open the file license.yml and paste your key!
5. Reload/restart your server!
6. Configure the plugin on the config.yml file!
7. Use the command "!panel" in the panel channel to create the panel!
8. Enjoy it!
{user_default_avatar_url} ⇨ Displays user default avatar url.
{user_default_avatar_id} ⇨ Displays user default avatar id.
{user_id} ⇨ Displays user id.
{user_as_tag} ⇨ Displays user as tag.
{user_as_mention} ⇨ Displays user as mention.
{user_name} ⇨ Displays user name.
{user_discriminator} ⇨ Displays user discriminator.
{user_effective_avatar_url} ⇨ Displays user effective avatar id.
{user_nickname} ⇨ Displays user nickname.
{user_role_color} ⇨ Displays user role color.
(( ~ You can use these values in the config.yml file in the online-status section! ~ ))
bot-token: ''
panel-channel-id: 000000000000000000
tickets-category-id: 000000000000000000
online-status: DO_NOT_DISTURB
enabled: true
text: support has arrived!
url: ''
ghost-ping-roles: []
- '{user_id}'
ticket-topic: 'Ticket made by: {user_as_mention} ({user_id})'
ticket-channel-name: 'ticket-{user_name}'
closed-ticket-channel-name: 'closed-{user_name}'
slowmode: 0
nsfw: false
no-role-color: '#5A72DC'
ghost-pin-ticket-embed: true
ticket-limit: 'You can only create one (1) ticket at a time. In order to create a new one, you must have to close your current one.'
enabled: false
text: 'Extremall Resources'
enabled: false
link: 'https://www.mc-market.org/resources/authors/263439/'
enabled: false
link: 'https://i.imgur.com/HWOLXcl.png'
enabled: false
text: 'Ticket Support'
enabled: false
link: 'https://www.mc-market.org/resources/18601/'
enabled: true
- '**Welcome to the support channel!**'
- ''
- 'If you have any questions, problems or anything else, please open a ticket and we will respond as soon possible.'
- ''
enabled: true
decode: '#5A72DC'
enabled: true
text: '(( ~ Click on the icon below to open your ticket! ~ ))'
enabled: false
link: ''
enabled: true
link: 'https://i.imgur.com/uJDdzHd.gif'
enabled: true
link: 'https://i.imgur.com/yRrah4x.png'
- '**Copyright © 2021**;Extremall Resources;false'
# 'button id;button text;button emoji;button style'
emoji: 'open;Open;open;DANGER'
enabled: false
text: 'Extremall Resources'
enabled: false
link: 'https://www.mc-market.org/resources/authors/263439/'
enabled: false
link: 'https://i.imgur.com/HWOLXcl.png'
enabled: true
text: 'Welcome {user_name}#{user_discriminator}!'
enabled: false
link: ''
enabled: true
- 'Thank you for creating a ticket, support will be with you shortly!'
enabled: true
decode: '{user_role_color}'
enabled: true
text: '(( ~ Click on the icon below to close your ticket! ~ ))'
enabled: false
link: ''
enabled: true
link: '{user_effective_avatar_url}'
enabled: false
link: ''
- '**Copyright © 2021**;Extremall Resources;false'
# 'button id;button text;button emoji;button style'
emoji: 'close;Close;open;DANGER'
(( ~ If you want to be my sponsor, join our Discord and message me! If you do not have a banner with dimensions 468 x 60, I can make one for you for FREE! ~ ))