Command | Permission | Function | Alias |
/troll [player] | tbp.troll | Opens the player select GUI or selects a player directly as your target | |
/troll help [page] | | Displays a specific help page | |
/troll reload | tbp.reload | Reloads the plugin and its files | |
/troll admin | tbp.admin | Opens the troll admin GUI | |
/troll settings | tbp.settings | Opens the settings GUI | |
/troll monitoring | tbp.admin | Opens the troll monitoring GUI | |
/troll stopall | tbp.admin | Stops all currently active trolls | |
/troll statistics | tbp.admin | Opens the statistics GUI | |
/troll stop [player] | tbp.stop | Stops a troll on a certain player | |
tbp.bypass | Makes a player untrollable | ||
- | - | - | - |
/abduct [player] | tbp.abduct | Makes aliens abduct the player | /kidnap |
/anvil [player] | tbp.anvil | Drops anvils on the player | /anv |
/aquaphobic [player] | tbp.aquaphobic | Damages the player whenever he's in contact with water | |
/badapple [player | all] | tbp.badapple | Gives the target a special, venomous apple | |
/bolt [player] | tbp.bolt | To strike a lightning at the player | |
/boom [player] | tbp.boom | Makes the player explode | |
/border [player] | tbp.border | Teleports the player to the world's border | |
/burn [player] | tbp.burn | Sets the player on fire | |
/bury [player] | tbp.bury | Burries the player alive | |
/control [player] | tbp.control | To take full control over the player | |
/crash [player] | tbp.crash | To crash the player's game | |
/creeper [player] | tbp.creeper | Spawns creepers around the player | |
/demo [player] | tbp.demo | Shows the demo screen to the player | |
/denymove [player] | tbp.denymove | Prevents the player from moving | |
/dropinv [player] | tbp.dropinv | Makes the player regularly drop items from his inventory | |
/drug [player] | tbp.drug | Drugs the player | |
/fakedeop [player] | tbp.fakedeop | Tells the player that he is no longer an operator | |
/fakelag [player] | tbp.fakelag | Makes the player lag | |
/fakeop [player] | tbp.fakeop | Tells the player that he was supposedly given operator rights | |
/freefall [player] | tbp.freefall | Lets the player fall from the sky | /ffall |
/freeze [player] | tbp.freeze | Freezes the player | |
/ghostchat [player] | tbp.ghostchat | Makes the player think his chat is working, when in reality he's muted for everyone except operators | /gc (can be toggled) |
tbp.ghostchat.see | Makes a player able to see the messages of players, who are affected by the ghostchat troll | ||
/hurt [player] | tbp.hurt | Hurts the player until he dies | |
/launch [player] | tbp.launch | Launches the player up in the air | |
/mlg [player] [type] | tbp.mlg | Challenges the player to perform an MLG | |
/mobgod [player] | tbp.mobgod | Spawns 2 monsters every time the player kills one | |
/nomine [player] | tbp.nomine | Prevents the player from breaking blocks | |
/noob [player] | tbp.noob | Teleports a player to the sky and builds a gigantic "noob" sign in front of him | |
/popular [player] | tbp.popular | Teleports every online player to the target | |
/popup [player] | tbp.popup | Repeatedly opens the player's inventory | |
/potatotroll [player] | tbp.potatotroll | Replaces every item in the player's inventory with a potato | /potro |
/pumpkinhead [player] | tbp.pumpkinhead | Puts a pumpkin on the player's head | /phead |
/push [player] | tbp.push | Pushes a player in the opposite direction | |
/randomtp [player] | tbp.randomtp | Randomly teleports the player around | /rantp |
/shlong [player] | tbp.shlong | Shlongs a player. It is what you think it is. | |
/skylift [player] | tbp.skylift | Slowly teleports a player up to the sky until he dies | |
/sparta [player] | tbp.sparta | Shoots arrows from random locations at the player | |
/spin [player] | tbp.spin | Makes a player spin | |
/squidrain [player] | tbp.squidrain | Lets squids rain on the player | |
/starve [player] | tbp.starve | Starves the player | |
/switch [player 1] [player 2] | tbp.switch | Switches 2 player's locations | |
/trample [player] | tbp.trample | Lets cows trample on the player | |
/trap [player] ([time]) | tbp.trap | Traps the player inside a little building | |
/turn [player] | tbp.turn | Turns a player around | |
/void [player] | tbp.void | Removes blocks under the player until he reaches the void | |
/webtrap [player] | tbp.webtrap | Spawns a cobweb at the player's location every few seconds | |
- | - | - | - |
tbp.* | Grants permission to all features of the plugin | ||
tbp.admin.* | Grants permission to: troll.admin troll.reload troll.troll troll.settings |
Feature | Description | When to be expected |
New troll commands | Some new trolls. If you have any wishes or suggestions feel free to send me a message! | In a future update |
Improvements to the troll settings | Putting settings into different categories. Finding the wanted setting will be easier and faster. | In a future update |
Add @a, @p and @r as parameters for certain commands | Those parameters will be available for certain commands to automatically select the closest, a random player or all players. Those commands will also be executable by command blocks. | In a future update |
Done (v1.1) | ||
Done (v1.5) | ||
Support more versions | Support 1.17 and maybe even lower versions. | In a future update |
Bug fixes, code and efficiency improvements | This will always be done, when possible. Please report any issues you encounter so I can fix them asap! | Every update |
Your suggestion | Something you suggested. Will always be taken into consideration. | In a future update |
Question | Answer |
How server friendly is the plugin? | The plugin restores any changes that have been done to your world by a troll. For example: The void command fills up the hole in the ground. The webtrap command removes the placed cobwebs The creeper command makes spawned creepers unable to damage blocks and The sparta command removes any left over arrow entities. |
What happens when a player leaves mid-troll? | The troll will be stopped. If supported by the troll it will be resumed the next time the player joins back to the server. |
Can operators be trolled? | Since operators have every permission, they also have the troll.bypass permission. That's why I added the "Troll Operators" setting. If set to true, which it is by default, operators can be trolled too! |
When does a troll stop? | Most trolls stop when the target dies because of the troll. Some trolls, like the nomine troll, need to be stopped manually. Stopping a troll manually is as easy as typing /troll stop [player]. Another way would be to use /troll stopall, to stop all currently active trolls. Keep in mind that you can monitor all ongoing trolls by using /troll monitoring or /troll admin. |
Is there a way to test the plugin before purchasing it? | I will add a test server soon, which you can join! As soon as I've added it you'll find it below. |