4 new effects
They only work on 1.20.6 / 1.21
1.20.5/1.20.6 & 1.21 support
New lightning script
β₯ You can now summon fake lightning effects!
New event for riding vehicles
Effects won't show up when player is in spectator mode
Effects won't show up if a viewer can't see the player who uses the effect
More items can now have color animations (tipped arrows, potions, maps)
There is no new effect which is using these new additions like lightning script. These are new options for effect creators. Check Wiki page for details if you're creating your own custom effects.
Bug Fixes
Fixed issues related to effect mixer
Fixed an issue related to outdated Minecraft versions support
Fixed effect particles spawning on every world
New chat messages for Mixer GUI actions
New sound configurations in gui.yml
Auto-save for players data
Static event won't show up on filter button
Fixed static text particles rotating constantly
Bug Fixes
Fixed issues related to effect mixer
New 2 effects
β₯ Shield, Gust
New particle style sphere
β₯ See Wiki Page for details
New particles
These particles were added in 1.20 but they aren't included in our plugin because we forgot to add them.
- egg_crack
- dust_plume
- white_smoke
- trial_spawner_detection
- gust
- gust_dust
- gust_emitter
Bug Fixes
Fixed some particles may causing players to be kicked
Support for start effects on a location
β₯ Commands:
Custom heads for effects icon support
- /trp static start <id> <effect>
- /trp static stop <id>
- /trp static tp <id>
- /trp static tphere <id>
- /trp static update <id> <effect>
New only-elytra option for effects
β₯ When this option is set to true, the effect will only work when player is equipped Elytra
9 new effects
New arguments to mix command for selecting mix with command
β₯ You can now select your mixes with /trp mix [<mix-name>] command
β₯ Admin: /trp mix [<mix-name>] [<player>]
New polygon particle style script
β₯ You can now create polygon particles
β₯ See Wiki Page for details
New spiral particle style scripts: spiral, multi-spiral, and full-spiral
β₯ Creating spiral particles is now easier with these new scripts
β₯ See Wiki Page for details
Animation option for effects' item name
β₯ Item names will be animated like the items if this option is enabled
This can be toggled per effect. Name animations are disabled by default when you create a new effect. This option is enabled for some effects we added.
Error messages will also be sent to chat now
β₯ This can be disabled from config.yml
More useful stuffs for effect creation
Major optimizations for all mathematical equations
Renamed dot script to single
Renamed armor-color property to color-animation
Improved spiral and line effects
Merged Christmas effects with gradient effects
Permission pattern is changed from %perm to %perm%
Fishing rods won't be included in projectile events
Error messages will be more detailed
Parkour effects will be only spawn at correct location
Fixed confirm button in Mixer GUI not working
Bug Fixes
Fixed actionbar script not working
Fixed category for sound script not working
Fixed interval for tick handlers not working
Fixed an issue related to permissions
stop script
β₯ Stops the effect and resets player's effect
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue related to color data
Fixed unknown effect message
Fixed Paper 1.20.2 issues
Fixed issues related to Effect Mixer GUI