Ultra Scoreboards v1.5.4

The Ultimate Scoreboards Plugin fully controllable via GUI for Spigot & Bungee





Terms and conditions
This Plugin cannot be refunded.
You're not allowed to redistribute, resell this Plugin on any website, to modify or decompile the plugin.
(...all terms of service)

Ultra Scoreboards is the ultimate scoreboard Styling and Management solution to create scoreboards your
unique way.

Updates Wiki Discord

Highlighted Features:
Ease of Use
All aspects of the plugin are configurable with an In-Game GUI and commands

Completely customize each scoreboard with numerous settings

Works with any placeholders

Multiple Scoreboards
Add as many scoreboards as you like

Permission Management
Add Permissions to a single line or entire scoreboards

Switch & Toggle Scoreboard
Switch between all scoreboards you have the specific permission for

BungeeCord & MySQL
Compatible with MySQL & Multple Servers

very frequent updates which can be installed with just a click


Latest reviews

This license was given for free. What's this?
This is one of the best, it is just the best scoreboard plugin there is.

All in-game editing and everything you edit is directly visibel no need to reload the plugin or need to restart the server.

There are still features being added, also features that are idea's from the community (you).
Buy a license now
EULA: Standard EULA
New: Now supporting cryptocurrency payments!
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15 Purchases
Jul 24, 2021 Published
Dec 13, 2024 Updated
5.00 star(s)
Average rating (1)
2.9 MB File size
  1. Gameplay
  2. Staff
  3. GUI
Supported software
  1. Bukkit
  2. Spigot
  3. Bungee
Supported versions
  1. 1.8
  2. 1.9
  3. 1.10
  4. 1.11
  5. 1.12
  6. 1.13
  7. 1.14
  8. 1.15
  9. 1.16
  10. 1.17
  11. 1.18
  12. 1.19
  13. 1.20
  14. 1.21
Struggling to cover the costs of your server? Set up your own webstore with Tebex in under 30 seconds.
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The Ultimate replacement for Multiverse and World Guard featuring a modern GUI
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The Ultimate GUI based Economy Plugin which adds Currencies, Banks, Trading System and more
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29 purchases
Share this resource
Help out the creator by referring your friends!
15 Purchases
Jul 24, 2021 Published
Dec 13, 2024 Updated
5.00 star(s)
Average rating (1)
2.9 MB File size
  1. Gameplay
  2. Staff
  3. GUI
Supported software
  1. Bukkit
  2. Spigot
  3. Bungee
Supported versions
  1. 1.8
  2. 1.9
  3. 1.10
  4. 1.11
  5. 1.12
  6. 1.13
  7. 1.14
  8. 1.15
  9. 1.16
  10. 1.17
  11. 1.18
  12. 1.19
  13. 1.20
  14. 1.21
Struggling to cover the costs of your server? Set up your own webstore with Tebex in under 30 seconds.
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The Ultimate Customization Plugin fully controllable via GUI's w/ Script System
5.00 star(s) 7 ratings
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Next Generation Punishment Plugin fully controllable via GUI's w/ Report System
5.00 star(s) 4 ratings
30 purchases
The Ultimate replacement for Multiverse and World Guard featuring a modern GUI
5.00 star(s) 3 ratings
30 purchases
Fully interactive Chest Shop Plugin with Holograms fully controlled with GUI's
5.00 star(s) 2 ratings
30 purchases
The Ultimate GUI based Economy Plugin which adds Currencies, Banks, Trading System and more
5.00 star(s) 2 ratings
29 purchases