- Improved | Updated main library which includes support for ItemsAdder 4.
- Fixed | Chat and name colors weren't being kept when chatting if players aren't OP.
- Fixed | The third hex color prompt in the gradient prompt was requiring a hex input and didn't allow for users to skip it.
- Fixed | Colored nickname placeholder wasn't being used properly if player wasn't OP.
- Fixed | Gold color wasn't being checked properly when checking if the color is enabled.
- Added | If you're using a MySQL database, you can now save color changes for players when they occur rather than only when they disconnect. You can configure this in the Database section of the settings.yml file. Please read the documentation for this option as it may come at a cost to server performance if you have players that frequently make color changes. If you don't wish to enable this, you don't need to do anything as this is disabled by default. Thanks to eddieloco13 for suggesting this.
- Improved | Compatible with MC 1.21.1.
- Fixed | Servers using DiscordSRV weren't getting messages sent to their discord channel/s using our chat format system. You can apply this fix by setting a discord channel to send messages to in the Discord_Channel_Name option. Thanks to WilmerM_ for reporting this.
- Improved | The third hex color for custom gradients can now be enabled/disabled in the settings file. There is also a permission that is required for usage of a third hex color for custom gradients (ultracolor.gradients.thirdhexcolor). This customization doesn't apply for pre-defined gradients because you can set your own permission for those.
- Improved | Updated main library.
- Fixed | Tab completion for /ucolor forcegradient stopped after specifying one format.
- Fixed | Other minor bug fixes.
A special update to kick off the month of July! Enjoy!
- Added | Gradients can now have a third hex color. The third color is completely optional and users can remain with having two-colored gradients if they wish. This has been a suggestion since back in 2021 when UltraColorFree was being maintained, so I'm glad this is finally implemented. More customization is planned, but I wanted to get this at least introduced.
- Fixed | InventoryView error was occurring on versions below 1.21 when opening a GUI.
- Fixed | %ultracolorpro_name_color% & %ultracolorpro_chat_color% were returning [].
- Improved | Compatible with MC 1.21.
- Improved | Better tab completion with multiple commands (e.g. /ucolor toggleallowedhexcolor & /ucolor togglepredefinedgradient).
- Improved | Renamed "Hex_Colors.Toggled_On_Whitelist" to "Hex_Colors.Toggled_Whitelist" in messages file for better accuracy. Old message set for the previous setting will be moved to the unused folder.
- Fixed | The color preview display setting was hardcoded in some areas of the plugin.
- Fixed | Hex whitelist wasn't always allowing the whitelisted hexes. Apply this fix by making sure your hexes start with a # inside allowed-hexes.yml and then reboot the server.
- Fixed | Hex code wasn't being displayed on success message for the /ucolor toggleallowedhexcolor command.
MAJOR: As of May 28th, we've returned back to Discord and now offer support again on our discord. Read more here.
- Improved | Internal code improvements.
- Fixed | Extra space in front of some custom gradient prompts in the default message files. You can regenerate the file or remove the extra space on lines 377, 379, and 380 to get this fix (be sure to reload the plugin too).
- Fixed | Gradients weren't being removed when applying a regular color from your favorites.
NOTE: There's now a 20% sale for Memorial Day that ends on May 27th at midnight UTC for all Ulti Studios plugins! Feel free to share with others and enjoy!
- Added | Customization for what commands are ignored for nickname replacement in settings.yml. This is under the new option "Ignored_Commands" in the Nicknames section.
- Removed | Warning on not using Spigot/Paper. Most servers are either using Paper or a fork of Paper, so the warning isn't needed.
- Improved | Updated main library.
- Improved | Minor code optimization in some files.