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Thank you for choosing UltraStats! Don't forget to leave a review if you enjoy the plugin!
UltraStats - Advanced Combat Statistics & Kill Feed System
UltraStats is a powerful, highly configurable combat statistics plugin designed to enhance your PvP server with detailed player statistics, customizable kill feeds, killstreak announcements, and more. Built with performance in mind, it supports both MySQL and SQLite databases and seamlessly integrates with PlaceholderAPI.Key Features
Combat Statistics
- Track kills, deaths, KDR, and killstreaks
- Record highest killstreaks achieved
- Track individual kill counts between specific players
- Real-time stat updates with efficient caching system
Kill Feed System
- Customizable action bar kill feed messages
- Configurable display duration
- Support for RGB colors and hex color codes
- Player-specific kill count display in feed
Killstreak System
- Configurable killstreak announcements
- Custom interval settings for announcements
- Global broadcast of milestone achievements
- Lost streak notifications
Death Messages
- Fully customizable death messages
- Support for RGB colors and hex codes
- Display kill counts between players
- Toggle-able system
PlaceholderAPI Integration
Available placeholders:
%ultrastats_kills% - Total kills
%ultrastats_deaths% - Total deaths
%ultrastats_kdr% - Kill/Death ratio
%ultrastats_killstreak% - Current killstreak
%ultrastats_highest_killstreak% - Highest achieved killstreak
Everything is customizable through config.yml:
# Death Message Format
enabled: true
format: "&#FF0000☠ {victim} was blown up by {killer} &7({victim_count} &0- &7{killer_count})"
# Kill Feed Settings
enabled: true
format: "E7FB{killer} &7{killer_count} &0- &#FF4949{victim} &7{victim_count}"
duration: 3
# Killstreak Announcements
enabled: true
interval: 5
message: "&b{player} &7has reached a killstreak of &c{killstreak}&7!"
lost_streak: "&#FF0000You Had Lost Your {killstreak} Streak"
Database Support
- MySQL support with connection pooling
- SQLite support for smaller servers
- Efficient data caching system
- Automatic database selection
Commands & Permissions
Commands:- /stats - View your own stats
- /stats <player> - View another player's stats
- ultrastats.stats - Access to view own stats (default: true)
- ultrastats.stats.others - Access to view others' stats (default: op)
- ultrastats.actionbar - Allows receiving action bar messages (default: true)
Technical Features
- Asynchronous database operations
- Efficient caching system
- Thread-safe implementation
- Connection pooling with HikariCP
- Minimal performance impact
- RGB color support
- Clean API for developers
- Server Version: 1.20+
- Optional Dependencies:
- PlaceholderAPI (for placeholders)
- Download the plugin
- Place it in your plugins folder
- Start/restart your server
- Configure config.yml to your preferences
- If using MySQL, configure your database settings
Need help? Have suggestions? Found a bug?- Comment on this resource
- Join our Discord community
- Create a support ticket
Version 1.1:- Initial release
- All core features implemented
- Full MySQL/SQLite support
- PlaceholderAPI integration
Thank you for choosing UltraStats! Don't forget to leave a review if you enjoy the plugin!