UnrealPower - Your AntiCheat Assistant [Bungee Support] v1.2.0-b2-A

Global violation system | Merge AntiCheats | BungeeCord | Enhance detections | TPS & Ping Protection

UnrealPower is an global violation system that is aiming to merge detections of multiple anticheats into one global violation system, which will punish player when certain violation level is reached. Also, it will enhance detection of some anticheats (like NoCheatPlus), eliminate some false positives, and make your anticheats much quicker in detecting cheaters.
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UnrealPower - features.png

  • Global violation system - This plugin uses a global violation system which means every single check from every single anticheat will add violations to just one global violation system. When certain threshold is met, it will punish player with specified command.
  • Merge AntiCheats - UnrealPower will detect all of your installed anticheats and will hook into them without problem. We support every major anticheat that has good API: AAC, Spartan, AACAdditionPro, Matrix, NoCheatPlus, Reflex.
  • Anticheat Enhancements - UnrealPower will enhance detections of some anticheats, like NoCheatPlus to the point that you will think you have a completely new anticheat, while it will also eliminate false positives with it's advanced Ping & TPS protection systems.
  • Professional Configuration - Everything's configurable! Configure how much vls will be added from every single check from every single anticheat. Configure Ping Protection. Configure TPS protection. Edit messages, and much more!! Also, there are many comments that are explaining what each check from each anticheat is doing, so that might be helpful as well for inexperienced users.
  • BungeeCord Support - MySQL support. Player will not be able to escape detections even if he teleports to other servers. Your violations will seamlessly update across the whole network!

# ____ ___                            __ __________
#|    |   \___________   ____ _____  |  |\______   \______  _  __ ___________
#|    |   /    \_  __ \_/ __ \\__  \ |  | |     ___/  _ \ \/ \/ // __ \_  __ \
#|    |  /   |  \  | \/\  ___/ / __ \|  |_|    |  (  <_> )     /\  ___/|  | \/
#|______/|___|  /__|    \___  >____  /____/____|   \____/ \/\_/  \___  >__|
#             \/            \/     \/                                \/
# Combine your anticheats & unleash full potential from them. Customize them the
# way you like! If you love using UnrealPower, please give it a 5 star review :)

# How often should UnrealPower reset vls? (in seconds)
vls-reset: 60

# The max vl player is allowed to have. If he's vl is higher than punish-value, he will
# be banned in the next ban-cycle. Bans are executed on every vl-reset.
punish-value: 100

# Should we log violation resets to the server console?
reset-vl-log: true

# Should we log potential errors to the server console? If disabled, only major errors
# will be logged. We recommend to leave it as false since 90% of errors are just some
# false-positives due to server not being stopped properly, reloaded or other similar things.
log-errors: false

# Ban command that will be executed if player is detected as cheater
# %player% = player-name, %id% = random number between 1 & 100
punish-command: "ban %player% Illegal Client Modifications (%id%)"

# Should we enable enhanced ping protection? While this is enabled, UnrealPower will
# check for players ping before adding violations. However, this might produce bypasses
# with ping-spoof. Even if you enable this option, it will not enable for Spartan
# & Reflex due to those anticheats having really good ping protections by default.
ping-protection: false

# MySQL (BungeeCord) configuration part. MySQL Database will allow you to share
# player violations across whole BungeeCord network. This is currently under BETA
# which means detection messages will not be sent to the staff under whole bungee
# network and some other issues might appear. If you encounter any issues, please
# report them to me through our Discord server, or by contacting me on MC-Market.
  # Should we enable MySQL violations logging?
  enable: false

  # Main server should be only one of your servers where UnrealPower is installed on.
  # The main server will reset violations every vls-reset. If you set multiple servers as
  # the main server, violations will reset from both of those servers, which means detection
  # rates will be significantly lower (or the plugin might even completely break).
  # If you need any help with this, please join our Discord server or contact me on MC-Market.
  # Should we set this server as the main server?
  main-server: false

  hostname: localhost
  database: UnrealPower
  username: root
  password: root

# NOTE: TPS protection is never enabled for Spartan due to it's incredible built-in TPS protection.
  # Should we enable enhanced tps protection? While this is enabled, UnrealPower will
  # not add violations to players while tps is lower than min-tps.
  tps-protection: true

  # If tps is lower than this threshold and tps-protection is enabled, players will not
  # receive violations from UnrealPower.
  min-tps: 16.0

  # Should we enable tps protection for Reflex since it already has a good TPS protection built-in?
  reflex-tps-protection: false

# What will be the prefix for messages of UnrealPower?
prefix: "[UnrealPower] "

# What message will be sent each time player is detected for cheating?
# %anticheat% - The name of the anticheat that player was detected by
# %player% - playername
# %checktype% - the name of the check player was detected by
# %globalvl% - player's violations
# %ping% - player's ping
# %tps% - server tps

detected: "Player %player% has been detected by %anticheat% [%checktype%] (%globalvl%) [ping: %ping%, tps: %tps%]"

# NoCheatPlus
    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by NCP's survivalfly
    # (survival-movement-combined) check? This is NCP's only movement check, and
    # it checks for speed, fly, step, jesus (waterwalk) and whatnot...
    survival-combined: 10

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by NCP's packetfrequency
    # check? Packet frequency is really nice check to limit packets which will help
    # in detecting bad killauras, but also, blink & timer.
    packet-frequency: 10

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by NCP's creativefly
    # (creative-movement-combined) check? This is basicly the same as survivalfly,
    # but it only activates when players are in creative mode and checks for
    # irregular movements while in creative.
    creative-combined: 8

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by NCP's nofall check?
    nofall: 10

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by NCP's packet-releted checks?
    # Checks for irregular packets. This check is really important in detecting blink & timer.
    packet-combined: 10

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by NCP's vehicle check?
    vehicle: 20

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by NCP's inventory checks?
    inventory-combined: 10

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by other NCP movement checks?
    movement-other: 10

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by NCP's attack-frequency?
    attack-frequency: 5

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by NCP's reach check?
    fight-reach: 10

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by NCP's angle check?
    # This check checks for irregular angles when fighting.
    angle: 15

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by NCP's critical check?
    criticals: 20

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by NCP's fight-direction check?
    # This check checks for irregular directions when player is fighting. It is really advanced
    # and can detect some advanced types of killaura & aimbot.
    direction: 15

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by NCP's fight-speed?
    # This check checks for CPS (click per second) and is useful for detecting autoclickers.
    fight-speed: 20

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by NCP's combined fight checks?
    # This is the most advanced antiaura check designed to detect advanced killaura hacks.
    combined: 15

    combat-other: 10

  # A group of checks that will block fastplace & other similar cheats.
    combined: 10

  # A group of checks that will block fastbreak, nuker & other similar cheats.
    combined: 10

      # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by AAC's move check?
      # AAC's main movement chack that is able to detect pretty much every movement hack.
      # It checks for fly, speed, irregular movements, highjump & much more.
      move: 10

      # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by AAC's bad-packets check?
      # This check is blocking timer, blink, sneak & other packet related cheats.
      bad-packets: 10

      # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by AAC's timer check?
      # This is an advanced timer check that will catch timers that bypass bad-packets & move.
      timer: 10

      # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by AAC's nofall check?
      nofall: 20

      # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by AAC's phase check?
      # This check prevents players from moving through walls
      phase: 15

      # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by AAC's interact check?
      # This check checks for irregular interactions.
      interact: 10

      # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by AAC's fastbreak check?
      fastbreak: 20

      # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by AAC's fastplace check?
      fastplace: 20

      # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by AAC's fastuse check?v
      fastuse: 15
      # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by AAC's killaura check?
      # This is AAC's main & most advanced killaura check. It will detect everything from
      # killaura to aimbot, and also some types of aimassist as well.
      killaura-combined: 10

      # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by AAC's fastclick check?
      fast-click: 20

      # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by AAC's hitbox check?
      # This check aims to block irregular hitbox & reach hacks.
      hitbox: 8

      # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by AAC's criticals check?
      criticals: 15

      # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by AAC's fastbow check?
      fastbow: 20

      # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by AAC's regen check?
      regen: 25
    derp: 25
    auto-fish: 10
    auto-potion: 10
    fast-switch: 10
    impossible-chat: 10
    inventory: 10
    keepalive: 10
    killaura-entity: 10
    packet-analasys: 10
    pingspoof: 10
    scaffold: 25
    skin-blinker: 25
    tower: 15

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Matrix's fastbow check?
    fastbow: 20

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Matrix's velocity (antikb) check?
    velocity: 10

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Matrix's fast-heal (regen) check?
    fast-heal: 20

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Matrix's autobot check?
    autobot: 20

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Matrix's killaura check?
    killaura: 15

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Matrix's hitbox check?
    hitbox: 15
    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Matrix's fly check?
    fly: 15

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Matrix's vehicle check?
    vehicle: 10

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Matrix's badpackets check?
    badpackets: 15

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Matrix's phase check?
    phase: 5

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Matrix's scaffold check?
    scaffold: 10

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Matrix's elytra check?
    elytra: 15

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Matrix's jesus check?
    jesus: 15

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Matrix's speed check?
    speed: 15
    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Matrix's interact check?
    # This check checks for irregular interactions.
    interact: 10

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Matrix's block check?
    block: 10

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Matrix's fastuse check?
    fastuse: 10

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Matrix's autofish check?
    auto-fish: 10

  # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Reflex's inventory check?
  inventory: 15

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Reflex's killaura check?
    # Reflex killaura check is pretty reliable, and should add many VLs to the global
    # violations, since it rarely makes false positives.
    killaura-combined: 45

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Reflex's criticals check?
    criticals: 30

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Reflex's antikb check?
    anti-knockback: 20

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Reflex's speed check?
    speed: 10

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Reflex's vehicle check?
    vehicle: 10

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Reflex's elytra check?
    elytra: 10

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Reflex's badpackets check?
    bad-packets: 10

  # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Reflex's block-actions check?
  block-actions: 10

  # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Reflex's inventory-actions check?
  inventory-actions: 10

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's machine-learning check?
    # This check is under 30 seconds cycle, so when player is detected, he should be auto-banned.
    combatanalasys: 1000

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's noswing check?
    noswing: 20

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's criticals check?
    criticals: 20

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's fastbow check?
    fastbow: 30

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's fastclicks check?
    fastclicks: 20

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's fastheal check?
    fastheal: 20

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's hitreach check?
    hitreach: 20

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's velocity check?
    velocity: 10

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's killaura check?
    # Spartan's killaura check is weak, but pretty reliable and it rarely makes false-positives
    # so it should add many vls when player is detected.
    killaura: 30

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's phase check?
    phase: 15

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's entitymove check?
    entitymove: 15

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's irregularmovements check?
    irregularmovements: 10

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's clip check?
    clip: 20

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's sprint check?
    sprint: 15

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's jesus check?
    jesus: 20

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's noslow check?
    noslowdown: 20

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's elytra check?
    elytramove: 15

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's boatmove check?
    boatmove: 15

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's fly check?
    fly: 15

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's speed check?
    speed: 10

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's packets check?
    morepackets: 20

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's nofall check?
    nofall: 25

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's illegalposition check?
    illegalposition: 20

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's impossibleactions check?
    impossibleactions: 15

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's nuker check?
    nuker: 20

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's ghosthand check?v
    ghosthand: 20

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's liquids check?
    liquids: 20

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's blockreach check?
    blockreach: 15

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's fastbreak check?
    fastbreak: 10

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's fastplace check?
    fastplace: 10

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's fasteat check?
    fasteat: 10

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's itemsdrops check?
    itemdrops: 10

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's impossibleinventory check?
    impossibleinventory: 10

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's inventoryclicks check?
    inventoryclicks: 10

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's exploits check?
    exploits: 15

    # How much vls should we add when player gets detected by Spartan's auto-respawn check?
    auto-respawn: 20



  • UnrealPower.notify: Players with this permission will be able to see unrealpower notifications.
Installation - Spigot
Installation of our plugin is pretty simple, and is done in just a few steps:

  1. Download our plugin & put it in your plugins folder
  2. Remove punish commands from all of your anticheats, so that punishments are executed only from UnrealPower.
  3. Configure UnrealPower from config.yml file.
  4. That's it! You're done!
Installation - Bungee (MySQL)
Installation of the plugin on networks is not difficult too!:

  • Download our plugin & put it into all of your servers.
    • Put your mysql info in every config
    • Enable MySQL mode in config
    • Choose one random server and set it as your main-server. That server will manage violation reset.
    • Remove punish commands from all of your anticheats, so that punishments are executed only from UnrealPower.
    • That's it! You're done!
I'm about to leave a review!
Awesome! I absolutely enjoy reading honest reviews. However, review place is the last place to request a feature or ask for support. If you need any kind of support, please join our discord and we'll be back to you as soon as possible with any kind of help you may need with our plugins. Also, you can contact me here, at MC-Market too! Just send me PM :)


Latest reviews

Amazing plugin! Works as said and good for merging anticheats.
I would recommend it!
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Jun 6, 2020 Updated
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1.1 MB File size
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1.1 MB File size
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