Requires ValhallaMMO
ValhallaRaces is a races and classes plugin add-on for ValhallaMMO. You start the game with a menu in front of you where you must choose the race you want to be.
Each race has their own unique qualities and drawbacks, and the plugin has 3 by default. For example, Dwarves are expert craftsmen, Elves are the best at enchanting, and Humans are just kind of OK at everything.
After you've picked what you want to be, you get to choose your path in life. Do you want to be a master blacksmith, enchanter, or alchemist? You can pick 3 classes, one from each of 3 groups: Combat, Specialist, and Harvester.
The plugin has 9 classes by default:
Warrior, Barbarian, and Ranger from Combat
Blacksmith, Enchanter, and Alchemist from Specialist
Miner, Farmer-Fisherman, and Terraformer from Harvester
Of course, you can add new classes and races as you like, these are just the default races and classes.
PlaceholderAPI support with the following placeholders:
The # in the class placeholders expect the "group" of the class you want, which is a number.
1 is Combat, 2 is Specialist, and 3 is Harvester. This is detailed in classes.yml where you can change these groups.
So if you want to get the class name for whatever the player's Specialist class is, use %valhallaraces_classname_2%
Races and Classes can both be locked behind permissions.
Races and Classes can both execute commands when the player picks one of them. These commands can also be executed with a delay by adding something like <delay:20> before the command.
Races and Classes can both execute perk rewards (like the ones used in ValhallaMMO to handle skill tree perks) when obtained.
Races and Classes can give any number of ValhallaMMO stat boost.
Classes can have a filter for which Races they're allowed for.
More interesting abilities can be added in the future, maybe, I dunno ¯\(ツ)/¯ you can pretty much already utilize any ValhallaMMO ability.
/races set [race/class] <race/classes> <player> Sets a player's race or class
/races reset [race/class/both] <race/classes> <player> Removes a player's race or classes and prompts them to pick new ones
For classes, they're to be formatted as class1;class2;class3
Allows you to manage your own and other people's races and classes
Requires ValhallaMMO
ValhallaRaces is a races and classes plugin add-on for ValhallaMMO. You start the game with a menu in front of you where you must choose the race you want to be.
Each race has their own unique qualities and drawbacks, and the plugin has 3 by default. For example, Dwarves are expert craftsmen, Elves are the best at enchanting, and Humans are just kind of OK at everything.
After you've picked what you want to be, you get to choose your path in life. Do you want to be a master blacksmith, enchanter, or alchemist? You can pick 3 classes, one from each of 3 groups: Combat, Specialist, and Harvester.
The plugin has 9 classes by default:
Warrior, Barbarian, and Ranger from Combat
Blacksmith, Enchanter, and Alchemist from Specialist
Miner, Farmer-Fisherman, and Terraformer from Harvester
Of course, you can add new classes and races as you like, these are just the default races and classes.
PlaceholderAPI support with the following placeholders:
The # in the class placeholders expect the "group" of the class you want, which is a number.
1 is Combat, 2 is Specialist, and 3 is Harvester. This is detailed in classes.yml where you can change these groups.
So if you want to get the class name for whatever the player's Specialist class is, use %valhallaraces_classname_2%
Races and Classes can both be locked behind permissions.
Races and Classes can both execute commands when the player picks one of them. These commands can also be executed with a delay by adding something like <delay:20> before the command.
Races and Classes can both execute perk rewards (like the ones used in ValhallaMMO to handle skill tree perks) when obtained.
Races and Classes can give any number of ValhallaMMO stat boost.
Classes can have a filter for which Races they're allowed for.
More interesting abilities can be added in the future, maybe, I dunno ¯\(ツ)/¯ you can pretty much already utilize any ValhallaMMO ability.
/races set [race/class] <race/classes> <player> Sets a player's race or class
/races reset [race/class/both] <race/classes> <player> Removes a player's race or classes and prompts them to pick new ones
For classes, they're to be formatted as class1;class2;class3
Allows you to manage your own and other people's races and classes
Need support? Feel free to ping @Athlaeos in my discord server
Enjoy the plugin!
Recommended to use alongside ValhallaKits, which allows you to give each class and/or race a different item start! Though of course, any kit plugin works.