vBuckets || (Custom Gen Buckets) v0.2.3

Free gen bucket plugin. Includes: gravity blocks, vertical and horizontal gen buckets
vBuckets v0.2.3
vBuckets is a free gen bucket plugin. It includes vertical, scaffold and horizontal buckets, there is also support for gravity blocks like sand and gravel. The configuration allows you to make up to 54 different gen buckets that are available to players by commands and through a GUI. Each bucket can be made 100% custom including, gen height / length, the item and the price per place.
Unique Features:
- Option to make a mixed bucket, this is for gravity buckets. This setting will place a random amount of sand & gravel in the sand stack, when this is used for a large wall the effect looks nice.
- There is a scaffold bucket which can be used with gravity blocks. This will generate from the ground up and can help with lag.
- Add custom delay, this is useful if you server struggles with lag. You can set the amount of delay between block placement to reduce the amount of lag caused
- Create your own custom GUI that players can get buckets from. There is a configurable cooldown so that players can't spam items from the GUI.
- Make any item a gen bucket, and make it gen any item!
/vb - vbucket.gui
/vb help - vbucket.help
/vb reload - vbucket.reload
/vb give - vbucket.give

In order to view a bucket in the gui the player must have that permission node:
vbucket.gui.(number in buckets.yml)
example: vbucket.gui.1 (access to the first bucket)
Plugin Support / Dependencies:
vBuckets supports:
- FactionsUUID / SavageFactions
- MassiveCore Factions
- WorldGuard
- Vanilla WorldBorder

You will need to have Vault and an economy plugin running on your server in order for vBuckets to work properly.
Source Code
Simply drag and drop the plugin into your plugins folder
Install the dependencies and restart your server!
Report Bugs / General Support:
You can seek support in my SUPPORT DISCORD, or you can message me on Spigot.

Latest reviews

Support latest version of WorldGuard!
Thanks for the review <3 I will work on adding it.
EULA: Standard EULA
Dec 24, 2018 Published
Jun 3, 2019 Updated
5.00 star(s)
Average rating (1)
38.7 KB File size
Supported versions
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Dec 24, 2018 Published
Jun 3, 2019 Updated
5.00 star(s)
Average rating (1)
38.7 KB File size
Supported versions
Struggling to cover the costs of your server? Set up your own webstore with Tebex in under 30 seconds.
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