Staff display
DubDesigns | Staff is a Xenforo 2 add-on that allows you to sort staff members on the staff page.
Sites uses this addon:
How to install:
Page URL
If you wish to change it to for example, search Route filters in Admin Panel. Then click Add route filter. Enter ddstaff/ in Find route and insert Staff in Replace with. After that click save.
How to use
Add-on tested on Xenforo 2.0.1
Icon made by Human Resources from
DubDesigns | Staff is a Xenforo 2 add-on that allows you to sort staff members on the staff page.
Sites uses this addon:
- Easy to add groups on the page
- Ability to center members and title
- Ability to add/remove user tags
- Ability to change colors
- Mobile friendly
- Two different premade styles
How to install:
- Unzip the file.
- Open the upload folder (inside src folder), upload to src folder in the xenforo main directory.
- Go to Xenforo AdminPanel -> Addons ->
Installable add-ons -> click install.
Page URL
If you wish to change it to for example, search Route filters in Admin Panel. Then click Add route filter. Enter ddstaff/ in Find route and insert Staff in Replace with. After that click save.
How to use
1. To edit addon settings you may go to Addons -> DubDesigns Staff.
It should have this view.
2. How do the addons work?
In order to get the add-on to work properly, you have to first select desired groups in Select staff groups in DubDesigns Staff option area. (Add-ons -> DubDesigns Staff)
You may select multiple groups by holding CTRL and clicking the groups.
Make sure the user has the staff group selected as primary group in Users -> list all users -> select user.
If you have Has to be staff selected, you have to make sure the user in the group has Display user as staff selected as well. However, if you wish to select a group that does not contain staff members, you may deselect Has to be staff.
Changing group display orders is also possible with this add-on. In order to change display orders, Display styling priority value has to be changed in Groups & permissions -> User groups -> Selected group. The higher the value is the higher it gets on the staff page.
3. Other options
Enable centered staff columns
Makes users displayed center.
Display user banners
Customize displayed user's banners.
Change color properties
You may change colors directly from AdminPanel -> Appearance -> Style properties -> [DubDesigns] Staff
You can edit the colors by entering color codes or use the color picker tool and then click save.
It should have this view.
2. How do the addons work?
In order to get the add-on to work properly, you have to first select desired groups in Select staff groups in DubDesigns Staff option area. (Add-ons -> DubDesigns Staff)
You may select multiple groups by holding CTRL and clicking the groups.
Make sure the user has the staff group selected as primary group in Users -> list all users -> select user.
If you have Has to be staff selected, you have to make sure the user in the group has Display user as staff selected as well. However, if you wish to select a group that does not contain staff members, you may deselect Has to be staff.
Changing group display orders is also possible with this add-on. In order to change display orders, Display styling priority value has to be changed in Groups & permissions -> User groups -> Selected group. The higher the value is the higher it gets on the staff page.
3. Other options
Enable centered staff columns
Makes users displayed center.
Display user banners
Customize displayed user's banners.
Change color properties
You may change colors directly from AdminPanel -> Appearance -> Style properties -> [DubDesigns] Staff
You can edit the colors by entering color codes or use the color picker tool and then click save.
Add-on tested on Xenforo 2.0.1
Icon made by Human Resources from