Serveur Minecraft Vote is a site that lists the best minecraft servers and rank them according to their number of points, do not wait and add your server!
Click here to purchase the plugin.
Features:Serveur Minecraft Vote is a site that lists the best minecraft servers and rank them according to their number of points, do not wait and add your server!
Click here to purchase the plugin.
- Unlimited Arena
- All types of duel (1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 20v20, ...)
- Multi-arena system (there can be several duels in a single arena)
- Unlimited Kit
- Reward according to the position of the team
- Fully automatic
- /tournament create \<team name> - Create a team (
- /tournament join \<team name> - Join a team (
- /tournament invite \<player> - Invite a player to your team (
- /tournament leave - Leave your team (
- /tournament version - Show plugin's version
- /tournament arena \<loc> - Create an arena (ztournament.arena)
- /tournament delete \<uuid> - Delete an arena (ztournament.delete)
- /tournament list - Show an arena (
- /tournament setlobby - Set lobby's position (ztournament.setlobby)
- /tournament stop - Shop a tournament (ztournament.stop)
- /tournament wave - Start next wave (ztournament.wave)
- /tournament start \<type> \<kit name> - Start tournament (ztournament.start)
- /tournament reload - Reload the plugin (ztournament.reload)
- /tournament kit - Show kit commands (ztournament.kit.use)
- /tournament kit list- Show kit list (ztournament.kit.use)
- /tournament kit show \<name> - Show kit content (ztournament.kit.use)
- /tournament kit create \<name> - Create an empty kit (ztournament.kit.use)
- /tournament kit edit \<name> - Edit a kit (ztournament.kit.use)
- /tournament kit delete \<name> - Edit a kit (ztournament.kit.use)
The plugin is used on the Onoria server, here are some videos of players who are in a tournament.
- API:
- Github:
- JavaDocs: https://docs.[Censored]/ztournament/
Tournament tournament = getProvider(Tournament.class);
protected <T> T getProvider(Class<T> classz) {
RegisteredServiceProvider<T> provider = getServer().getServicesManager().getRegistration(classz);
if (provider == null)
return null;
return provider.getProvider() != null ? (T) provider.getProvider() : null;