Of course, but like is there anything else it does differently from the Normal EssentialsX other then global /helpop? Would be nice if you listed what it does exactly in the post so I wouldn't have to be asking these questions.
A Proxy Essentials basically has everything you'd need for a Proxy as in the Utilities, It would alert you when a Staff Member joins the server, It would alert you when a Staff Member leaves the server, /report and /request cooldown (cross-server, and cooldowns) it comes with Staff Chat everything you'd think of basically.[DOUBLEPOST=1513892942][/DOUBLEPOST]Of course, but like is there anything else it does differently from the Normal EssentialsX other then global /helpop? Would be nice if you listed what it does exactly in the post so I wouldn't have to be asking these questions.
Vouch :tup:View attachment 100102
NOTE » Plugin Updates come with these Depending on the plugin(For example: Venom StaffMode will be updated alot!) All plugins are configurable
what is included with the staffmode?