✦-⊱[$200 BIN] THERMIXPVP Season 1⊰-✦ | 800$+ Made! | Factions Files!

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discord: jasmine0013
Feedback score

Hello, Users of MC-Market this is my very first thread so please if you have any constructive criticism I would love to hear it! This will make mine and everyone else's experience better! <3

Since this is my very first post on this website I am a fairly inexperienced seller/trader/buyer, sorry in advance for my "freshman" tendencies while chatting with you.
As I have stated before, things may look horrible to you so please leave a message below and I'll change them to improve the thread as a whole.
Since I am a new user on the scene I do not mind going first if we do decide to do a deal.
I hope I can make a mark here and trade alongside you!
✦-⊱History Of ThermixPvP⊰-✦
ThermixPvP is currently under the ownership of Bhechmer. ThermixPvP was collectively made by myself (Jasmine) & Bhechmer (Bhechmer). Together we set out on a journey to make a Factions server that would be soon later to be known as ThermixPvP!
The server had a small budget of around 30 dollars. I had purchased multiple premium plugins for another server I am still currently working on. We got around using my plugins and free but effective alternatives to achieve our goal of a clean, un-exploitable, and a fairly well bug tested server.
ThermixPvP had a small player base year or two ago that would be known as ThermixPvP Beta. I was not apart of this during this period of ThermixPvP.

Bhechmer and I met each other through a discord group where he requested support and we hit it off instantly. Once we agreed on the payment and all the basics, I set out to make ThermixPvP.
ThermixPvP was made and re-created within one week of development and released to no big issue file side. The only issue that Bhechmer and I ran into was the current hosting plan was not strong enough to hold the server. This was quickly resolved and the new release date was pushed back one to two days.

When we released in no way did we anticipate that we would receive overwhelming support in donations from such a small and unknown server. With this tremendous support from the community, we began doubling down on our work and started to work harder than any of us has worked before.
We had players that supported ThermixPvP that originated from all sorts of backgrounds, and they all had their amazing ideas to improve the server. While this was an overwhelming task to add all their requested features but keep the balance of the server collectively, Bhechmer and I decided to sell ThermixPvP Season 1 to fund Season 2, which is where we are now!

✦-⊱Why Should You Purchase ThermixPvP?⊰-✦
That's the big question everyone is asking right now, why should YOU purchase ThermixPvP.
ThermixPvP was a server that was made on a minimum budget of thirty dollars which were used for hosting the server and for a genbuckets plugin. (Collectively this cost less than 20 dollars in total!) while we had a lot of premium plugins pre-purchased we also had minimum staff members which consisted of:
[Owner] Bhechmer (Bhechmer)
[Manager] Elusion (Elusion20)
[Developer] Me (Jasmine)
We handled the server quite well with minimum "cheaters" (Thanks to our Anti-Cheat) and minimum issues. Any bugs that were discovered were fixed within 24 hours (Roughly, depending on how large the bug was).
A Few Of Points For ThermixPvP​
  • ThermixPvP requires little to no effort to keep it up and running. ThermixPvP reached a player maximum of 45+ players
    on the server with no real advertising.
    We have 500+ unique users that have joined the server.

    Players without being instructed to, advertised us on other servers which is how we got a large player count without advertising.
  • During our downtime, we had a player base of 10-15 and at our peak 20-30 online at a time.
  • Duping is largely fixed
  • Most of our features are thoroughly explained through extensive GUI's. Our players gave positive feedback on the GUI's so I imagine yours will as well!
  • Our economy is quite fairly balanced as spawners and large farms can compete with each other.
  • The server currently supports 1.7 ~ 1.14.4 and has Badlion & LabyMod integrations.
  • Fast and Easy Ownership/Setup (If you wish to re-sell)
  • Lightweight, Sleek, and Clean design that can be easily customized to your liking or designed and expanded upon in your wildest dreams!
  • 20+ Custom Designed GUI's!

  • GUI's are easy to read and edit even for novices!
  • Easy to read and edit messages.
  • Rank names are easily editable for anyone (or you can have Me (Celaena) help you with it!)
  • No real heavy theme present except the color RED.
    It could be seen as a negative but if you are looking to purchase this, it's not the best-established server on the market but it's a good server that has lots of room and space for improvement and more features.
    Not having a theme present is amazing if you wish to re-brand and implement your pre-thought theme or a theme on the go! (More of this down below in * Celaena Support!)
  • Domains are open to purchasing (without going through Bhechmer!).


* Celaena Support (This is a new thing I've made up on the spot so sorry in advance if you think it's not thought out well.)
Celaena Support entitles you to free support as the name suggested! You are entitled to have support 24/7 for over a week.
You may have support for:​
  • Editing the messages on your server to your server name if you wish (MOTD, GUI's, Color Theme, and more!)
  • Setting up the server for you quickly and efficiently! (This includes NPC's Holograms, Warps And More!)
  • Anything configurations you need help with! (I extremely appreciate you purchasing the server so I'll help you the best you can)
  • While I'm no professional at how to manage anything at all </3 I can try my best to lead your server in the best direction.
  • Help with setting your theme up if you have one in mind.
(If there is something that you would like to ask don't hesitate to contact me here or on discord! Discord: CelaenaS#0013 <3)​

✦-⊱ThermixPvP Additional Info⊰-✦
We are only selling the files and not the builds, the domain (But do not be discouraged! .net, and .org can be purchased though!), Buycraft, Knight ThermixPvP Logo (Logos will no longer be included), and the discord.
You may resell the server for your profit [We are not sure if it violates any terms of service from any of the parties so this may change if it does! (8/13/2019)]

✦-⊱ThermixPvP Photos⊰-✦

ThermixPvP Crates (Easily Customizable!)

Vote Crate (Balanced and Fun Rewards!)

Rare Crate (Balanced and Useful Rewards!)

Mythical Crate (Balanced and Nail-Biting Rewards!)

Legendary Crate (Balanced and Extremely Powerful Rewards!)

Buycraft Earnings (Profit)


Clean, Beautiful, Animated Holograms




Crazy Fun and Exiting Supplydrops!



Clean and Sleek Help Menu! (/help)

Cute Vote Menu With Heads <3 (/vote)

:cool: Cool Looking Shop (/shop)

Basic and Innovative Wild Teleporter (/wild)

Celaena's Personal Spawner Menu With Mob Heads! (/spawners)

Unique McMMO Help Menu! (/mcmmo)

Easy to access external links! (/contactus)

Basic but Effective Kit Menu (/kits)

Easily Customizable Server List MOTD!

I could show more on and on but I don't want to waste too much of your precious time <3
And the fact I can do more than 30 images </3

✦-⊱ThermixPvP Purchasing Info⊰-✦
Starting Bid (SB): 25$
Minimum Bid Increase (BI): 5$ (This is just the thread isn't trashed, can be changed!)
Current Bid (CB): N/A
Purchase (Bin): $400 (This is just a number and can be talked about)
[Since I'm a new member on the site I am willing to use any middleman or go first unless you have a bad track record (which I hope not <3)]
Deal Has been changed to 50-50

✦-⊱ThermixPvP Celaena Notes⊰-✦
Is the new test server.
Bhechmer and I are hopefully looking for a 200 dollar deal <3 but any offer would be amazing!
Since this is my very first thread, I have spent over 7+ hours on it so please tell me how I did and if there's anything that can be improved <3

Yours Through and Through ~ Celaena
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discord: jasmine0013
Feedback score
✦-⊱ThermixPvP Reserved Slot⊰-✦
Taken by a bear who's making Season 2 :p


  • upload_2019-8-13_21-34-46.png
    666.9 KB · Views: 345


discord: jasmine0013
Feedback score
How much did you spend on advertising and what kind of advertising did you get?

You say minimal but how minimal?
We spent nothing on advertising.
We did, however, spend 15$ on a Video ad but that yielded 0 to 5 players maximum who didn't stay for long.
The players were from vote websites (we have 10 so quite a large pool but no special ads for any sites)
The most players we got were from players who spammed the IP on other servers. (This was not instructed by anyone on our team)
I hope it answers your question!
I guess you could consider it 0 paid advertisements.


discord: jasmine0013
Feedback score
Another question and if I missed it in the thread, I am sorry.

You say you had great support in terms of donations, how much did you make and in what time frame?
This map lasted for around 2-3 weeks (Probably a month) but the most donations were within the first week. (500-ish, Tebex can't decide between 605 or 467)
In my thread, there is a Spoiler: Screenshots & Photos where I show all the earnings for the server.
There was a beta where most of Bhechmer's friends donated (300) total. I'm not 100% sure on the beta period as I was not apart of this but the release was where we got the most donations.
~ Celaena


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Are we going to have to buy the premium plugins all over again? If so, how many and what ones


discord: jasmine0013
Feedback score
Are we going to have to buy the premium plugins all over again? If so, how many and what ones
Correct. You have to purchase the premium plugins again, but thanks to our server and how flexible it is. most of the premium plugins can be replaced with free/alternative plugins.
These are the current premium plugins:
Iris (Anti-Cheat) [Replacable]
CustomGUI (GUI's) [ThermixPvP Heavily Depends On This Plugin]
SavageGenbuckets (GenBucket) [Replacable]
ShopGUIPlus [Replacable/Dependcy]
WildStack [Replacable]

CustomGUI is purchasable for $10 and that's the only plugin you would need to use the GUI's. ShopGUIPlus was what the shop was built on but could be changed for another shop plugin as /shop (The Menu) is CustomGUI.
The rest can be replaced with free plugins.
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