Purchase here ------> BUY
Dependencies: Citizens (free)
Resource pack:
The setup is available in English and Spanish
➾ Survival world (soon custom)
➾ Extensive menu
➾ Important commands blocked (/pl, /plugins, /ver, /icanhasbukkit, etc)
➾ Skills
➾ Bank
➾ Withdraw & xpbottle
➾ Pokeballs
➾ Profiles
➾ Zone Discovery
➾ Custom TPA (click)
➾ Client Detector
➾ CoinFlip
➾ 50 custom menus
➾ Core Protect (to see who broke or placed blocks in a specific area)
➾ Custom Crafts (+10)
➾ Daily rewards (VIP ranks have better rewards)
➾ GUI shop
➾ Glow (for the vips)
➾ Elevators
➾ Crates (4)
➾ Custom enchantments
➾ VIP & Staff ranks (9 ranks: User, VIP, VIP+, MVP, Helper, Mod, Admin, Dev and Owner)
➾ Custom trade items (only on spawn, normal villagers trade normal items)
➾ Chatcolor (for the vips)
➾ Furniture
➾ Anti redstone
➾ Lottery
➾ Jobs (with custom menu)
➾ JumpPads
➾ Marriage
➾ Custom foods
➾ Backpacks
➾ Menu with the advantages of each VIP rank
➾ Pouchs (xp and money)
➾ AntiBot
➾ AntiCheat
➾ Pets (for the vips)
➾ Kits (with menu)
➾ Player Warps
➾ Protections (with custom menu)
➾ PvPManager (combatlog)
➾ Custom Quests (2 more will be added soon)
➾ Chest Shops for users
➾ Clan system
➾ Homes (with gui)
➾ Skins (/skin)
➾ Sleep percentage
➾ Staff system (for staff to control users /staff)
➾ Custom scoreboard
➾ Custom tab (with custom animations)
➾ Bartender
➾ Trades
➾ Chairs (/sit)
➾ Timber (only for vips)
➾ Player bounty (/wanted)
➾ XPBoost (for events)
➾ Battle pass
➾ Fast craft (for VIP)
➾ Cash rewards for killing mobs
➾ Larger Enderchest for vips
➾ Chest Protection Plugin ( [Protect] )
➾ Decorations head plugin (customizable)
➾ Custom world generation plugin
➾ Treasure mining system
➾ Tags
➾ PVP mine
➾ Mine for VIPs
➾ Item frames editor
➾ Warp PVP
➾ Warp Parkour
➾ Dual horse
➾ Item editor
➾ Color block
➾ Item tag editor
➾ Item editor
➾ Minions
➾ Custom world generation
➾ Custom mobs
- Type
- Offering
- Exclusivity
- Non-exclusive
- Gamemode
- Survival
- Server software
- Spigot
- Paper
- Other
- Supported versions
- 1.18
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