bPearls is the next best Pearling plugin on spigot, targeted to Hardcore Factions servers. It works on ANY spigot, including mSpigot and has a lot of options in the config.yml with more to come. You can pearl through crit blocks with this plugin as well. This works with any HCF core.
Config: click here
Fence Gate https://gyazo.com/bc666e35e1937f1f2ef13250b798c025
Taliban / Crit Block + Slab: https://gyazo.com/daeaf22a52fde0d3c6ccf882271a5e28
Taliban / Crit Block + Stair: https://gyazo.com/97b8d17dc09ee27df5d96835b3ebc218
We are charging $5.00USD per jar, and $30.00 for Source code. Please PM me on site, or in my discord below to purchase source or jar.
If you are ever in need of Support, or need to register your license please join my support discord by clicking here.