Hello MC-Marcket people!
I'm selling an island map made with WorldMachine, WorldPainter and VoxelSniper; with many details...
-Map 1000 x 1000 blocks
-Important details:
PRICE: 10$
Method of payment: Paypal
Member of: @Diveblocks
I am member of the Diveblocks BT so, interested contact with me on Twitter Hebara or with the team, or here in MC-Market.
Thanks to everyone
Don't forget that i could make you this type of maps with less money so contact if you are interested. 
My latest maps sold on MC-Marcket:
I'm selling an island map made with WorldMachine, WorldPainter and VoxelSniper; with many details...
-Map 1000 x 1000 blocks
-Important details:
- Added many kind of each type of trees (birch, oak and fir)
- Added custom snow mountains generation.
- Added island generation.
- Added cliff and terrace generation.
- Added ores default generation

PRICE: 10$
Method of payment: Paypal
Member of: @Diveblocks
I am member of the Diveblocks BT so, interested contact with me on Twitter Hebara or with the team, or here in MC-Market.
Thanks to everyone
My latest maps sold on MC-Marcket: