Banana builds System administrator

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Banana builds

Server set ups, Spawn builds and websites. We provide it all

We provide the best and greatest Minecraft server building and website building in the business, we have a semi professional website builder and very skilled Minecraft server designers.

Using our service will make your server become one of the best around, with our skilled team and building and designing and also developing servers and websites.
We do everything from plug-ins to mods forums to custom websites and designing server spawns and shops.
If you have any further questions about the service we provide you can add us on Skype: BananaBuilds1

Recently asked Q&A:

Q: How long does it take for the full package?
A: We take to max 2 weeks but hopefully we will be done before the first week ends.

Q: Are you reliable?
A: Yes we are reliable

Q: What do we get?
A: Well, that is totally up to you. We follow what you want designed and what server you want. We try and keep in contact with you as we work to get the standard you want!

Q: How do payments work?
A: We use PayPal. For the first bit we will do a down payment of 33%. Then when we have finished we will send you an invoice which will be asking you to pay the rest. This is to avoid scamming!!

View attachment 6941
Prices is shown with the picture attached

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