I really need a deathbans plugin for my HCF server. If you have one please send it me please.
Nobody is gonna make this for free...
Could you make me one?Considering how easy deathbans is I wouldn't see why not.
Could you make me one?
I'll send you a download to one through pmCould you make me one?
Plugin category: Server AdministationI could but I'm at work almost 24/7 so you may get it in 2 days and you may get it in 2 weeks. Atm I just don't have the time to code anything
Plugin category: Server Administation
Suggested name: Death Bans
What I want: I would like a plugin that is custom and if you die you get death banned for a certain time but different ranks will get different times! Staff don't get deathbanned. I would like it to be quick! I would like it so players can buy lives and with those lives they can revive their friends/fellow team mates.
Ideas for commands:
/Revive (Player that is deathbanned that is being revived) - Players with lives can revive their team mates with 1 of there lives.
/GiveLife (Player) (Amount) - Gives an amount of lives to a player! (Console or Owner Command).
/TakeLife (Player) (Amount) - Takes an amount of lives from a player!
/CheckLives (Player) - To check how may lives that player has!
/SendLife (Player) (Amount) - To give their friend one of their lives! (Takes 1 of there's away).
/StaffRevive (Player) - For staff to revive a player but doesn't use one of their lives!
Ideas for permissions:
deathbans.givelife - To give lives to players. (Owner and Console command only).
deathbans.staffrevive - To revive players. (Staff command doesn't take any of their lives).
deathbans.time.(Ammount of time deathbanned) - To add custom deathban time!