Hello BuiltByBit! I am back into website development (however, not discord setups this time), and I am offering 3 vouch copies for website development as I would like to set up a better portfolio. The vouch copies can be of any type (any sort of website).
Additionally, all my backend work will be done using Python Flask and NodeJS as that is what I am currently best at.
Lastly, I apologise for the poor thread design.
Learn more about me here: https://karthik.syntaxerrorfound.me/
Work done:
1. https://embedinator.net/tos
2. https://eavle.syntaxerrorfound.me/
3. https://bendersrepublic.com/wiki/ (Wiki module, backend & frontend with Handlebars & Ghost)
- Type
- Offering
- Provided by
- Individual
- Language
- JavaScript
- NodeJS
- Python
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